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New shape of Mississauga
Mar. 29, 2006. 10:39 AM

Everyone's heard of the Bilbao Effect, but what about the Mississauga Effect?

Don't laugh, it could happen; especially now that the winner of that city's first-ever international condo design competition has been revealed. Selected from 92 submissions from 70 countries, the chosen entry is a stunning and sensuous 50-storey tower that dips and curves in all the right places.

Already it has been nicknamed Marilyn Monroe.

Created by a young Beijing-based firm, MAD, this is no ordinary architectural icon. It's a statement about the power of design to establish a sense of place and context.

"Suburbs around the world want to become metropolises," Yansong Ma, founder of MAD, said yesterday. "But we don't think they should. They have their own character. They should create their own identity."

Certainly, Ma's tower, named Absolute by the developers, Cityzen Development Group and Fernbrook Homes, will accomplish that.

"It had to be iconic," Ma insisted. "Since the early 20th century, the highrise has been the symbol of urban life."

MAD's highrise will be the most recognizable structure in Mississauga. Located at the corner of Hurontario St. and Burnhamthorpe Rd., it will be within walking distance of the city's only other landmark ? Square One Shopping Centre excepted ? and that's its city hall, designed in the early 1980s by Ed Jones and Michael Kirkland. It was also chosen by a competition, but in that case, the scope was national, not global. Still, the building is considered a post-modern classic, visited by architects from around the world.

By contrast, Absolute represents a distinctly 21st-century sensibility, a kind of neo-expressionistic esthetic that blurs the distinction between art and architecture. This is a highly sculptural work that balances the demands of form and function in a strictly contemporary fashion.

Of course, much remains to be done before construction starts next year. Ma and his partners visited Mississauga for the first time this year and have just completed conceptual drawings. Now they must start the more demanding job of producing detailed drawings. For that, they will join with a local architectural firm.

"We believe design counts," said Fernbrook president Danny Salvatore. "Great design makes sound business sense."

Too bad the rest of Mississauga wasn't built by developers who share his faith in architecture. But, he continued, the market has grown up and is now demanding projects such as this that stand out above the rest.

Even Mississauga's long-serving mayor, Hazel McCallion, declared herself thrilled with the decision. "We started 40 years ago in a hayfield," said the veteran politician, whose proudest claim is that her city remains debt free. "This is a dream come true."

In fact, it's a dream few Mississauga residents would have bothered with until now. Despite McCallion's boast, hers is a city desperately in need of an identity that goes beyond its lack of debt. You get what you pay for, of course, and in Mississauga that's been precious little.

But that's old news. What's interesting this time is that the private sector has moved in to fill the void left by officialdom. What McCallion and her council have failed to provide ? namely a place where there's a there there ? will now be addressed by a development consortium.

That alone makes the project remarkable, even without Marilyn Monroe.

In the meantime, the burning question amongst prospective buyers isn't price but location: leg, breast or thigh?

Additional articles by Christopher Hume

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15613 马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 i-FANG 98 2006-03-27 18:01
447 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 ldfan2002 25 2006-03-28 16:39
72 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 懒人甩笔 45 2006-03-30 01:34
121 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 zepher1003 163 2006-03-30 11:49
60 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Kevin_Q 246 2006-03-30 05:18
47 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 stavon 328 2006-03-30 17:06
64 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 wg01 354 2006-04-05 00:18
85 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 钱总裁一号 39 2006-03-30 06:23
47 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 lianda500 39 2006-03-30 15:24
38 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 stavon 258 2006-03-30 17:02
34 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 23度 5 2006-03-30 17:29
33 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Schoener 46 2006-03-30 19:18
122 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 why3000 156 2006-03-30 19:43
24 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 非常客 77 2006-03-30 23:41
39 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 why3000 79 2006-04-01 08:03
35 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 XrayL 19 2006-03-31 21:25
40 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Schoener 6 2006-03-31 04:17
50 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 alexinpeace 42 2006-03-28 09:28
49 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 hannitect 3807 2006-03-31 05:04
64 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 phyth 20 2006-03-31 06:45
34 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 c31cn 25 2006-03-31 06:54
29 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 c31cn 179 2006-03-31 20:37
40 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Kevin_Q 23 2006-03-31 07:27
36 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 松赞干部 19 2006-03-31 11:55
30 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Brianmoon 20 2006-03-31 13:30
52 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 darkphantom 94 2006-04-02 17:11
80 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 designkhan 17 2006-03-31 16:45
26 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 东南隐士 34 2006-03-31 18:49
31 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 东南隐士 20 2006-03-31 18:50
32 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 东南隐士 188 2006-03-31 19:08
77 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 钱总裁 122 2006-03-28 12:33
39 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 掌门人 49 2006-04-01 06:59
37 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 ldfan2002 11 2006-03-31 20:26
26 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 XrayL 19 2006-03-31 21:28
37 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 amable0224 110 2006-04-01 21:29
39 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 darkphantom 111 2006-04-02 17:14
38 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 amable0224 14 2006-04-01 21:37
27 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 飞翔的女武神 19 2006-04-01 21:56
61 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 hongto 8 2006-04-01 22:56
45 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 topic 128 2006-04-02 20:25
31 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 好好学习呢! 58 2006-04-02 13:34
19 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 东南隐士 106 2006-04-02 19:57
34 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 凌晨4点 139 2006-04-05 01:44
30 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 sadato 15 2006-04-02 15:33
54 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 钱总裁 118 2006-03-28 13:00
43 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 一口田 54 2006-04-02 18:55
60 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 江南baby 6 2006-04-03 14:05
28 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 3rd 126 2006-04-03 15:11
29 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 洋力威 84 2006-04-03 15:54
29 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 铁臂Atom 11 2006-04-04 00:56
26 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 1%建筑师 5 2006-04-04 18:00
22 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 菊花茶水 5 2006-04-04 18:14
30 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 fqyhll 53 2006-04-05 16:25
35 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 church 26 2006-04-05 17:08
36 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 team12 90 2006-04-06 21:01
41 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 Kevin_Q 64 2006-03-29 07:06
44 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 候梁 128 2006-04-07 00:47
52 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 小妖精Frances 132 2006-04-07 11:43
29 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 小妖精Frances 187 2006-04-07 11:52
34 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 AAT 35 2006-04-07 12:54
54 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 eric_ct 79 2006-04-07 12:57
58 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 铁臂Atom 57 2006-04-09 00:17
23 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 素米亚 3 2006-04-09 11:19
35 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 约书亚 4 2006-04-09 21:25
23 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 游客参观游客 4 2006-04-20 21:12
34 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 lida333 135 2006-04-21 11:07
49 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 chaihua 92 2006-07-21 11:44
31 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 钱总裁 180 2006-03-29 08:07
25 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 小妖精Frances 216 2006-04-07 11:31
56 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 bluepoint 37 2006-07-21 12:41
29 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 ArchRen 37 2006-07-21 17:39
24 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 小妖精Frances 2 2006-10-22 22:19
42 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 i-FANG 248 2006-03-29 11:55
32 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 papaya_en 32 2006-03-29 13:06
69 Re:马岩松;加拿大超高层项目中标,中国建筑师的新时代 bobxxk 169 2006-03-29 17:03


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