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Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国)   [精华]

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2001-09-11 12:02 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 ber-cam 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
dear guys: seems too many stuffs. actually when i first came to US from china, i did bring a lot with me. however i found i can get most of them at US cheaper with higher quality, esp clothes and elec. i do reco you guys bring more books you may use during your study.
shopping here is fun.
so when i go to cambridge this time i decide to bring more academic stuffs rather than daily-use stuff. ve careful the UK frequency is 50 Hz. maybe you can't use your china dryer at UK.
in terms of digital camera, i believe nikon coolpix995 is really nice one. maybe in a few months, you will see a new model on the market, even better and cheaper. this is a disadvantage to use digital camera. to me, i stick to slide for arch. photograph since its quality is best esp using for presentation.
do bring some trace paper if you are in studio at UK. at least it's very expensive at US.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
2612 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 4472 2001-09-10 16:41
800 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) ber-cam 951 2001-09-11 12:02
796 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) luoarchi 144 2002-05-14 12:58
785 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) 掌门人 166 2002-05-15 20:36
805 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) ben_gx 150 2002-05-15 22:56
799 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 396 2002-05-16 01:06
780 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) roberto.z 14 2002-05-29 15:09
781 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) howasleep 123 2002-05-29 22:55
795 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 183 2002-05-29 23:45
773 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) howasleep 89 2002-06-01 19:28
802 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 62 2001-09-11 01:00
769 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) 赖特 67 2001-09-10 19:25
786 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) 掌门人 52 2001-09-10 19:57
777 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) l_rumeng 32 2001-09-10 21:44
797 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 3114 2001-09-11 10:29
784 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) luoarchi 129 2001-09-11 02:13
788 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) 大白菜 281 2001-09-12 07:04
798 Re: 出国留学行前行李必备!!!(英国) Amethyst 198 2001-09-12 16:42


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