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Re: 伦敦AA学校一游   [精华]

发贴: 4716
2001-10-15 15:55 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
列一下AA学校General Studies的题目

First Year:
1 Architects on architecture
2 Modernism

Second Year
1 Architecutural themes of modernity
2-1 Media and meanings
2-2 Construction

Third Year
1-1 Modernism Versus Modernity
1-2 20th Century Cities: Imagined Communities
2-1 Theory
2-2 The Real World

Diploma School Course
1 Traces of Landscape. Roman Sites and 16th century Italian Villas and Gardens
2 Aesthetics in Arts, Architecture and Landscape
3 Toutism, Place, Media and You
4 To Hear and Back Again
5 Studying Stirling/ Reading Rowe
6 Books and Building: British architectural culture in the 20th century
7 The Spatialization of Military Power
8 Architecture + Perspective
9 Surface Culture
10 Water-Landscape
11 Workspace-an investigation into the way we work in cities
12 informe
13 open film series
14 Manhattan and Venice: Paradigm Islands of Anti-Modern Space
15 Critical Context- Space, Place and the Role of the viewer

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
4116 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 掌门人 653 2001-10-15 05:47
1269 Re: 伦敦AA学校一游 susitian 22 2001-10-15 07:35
1301 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 掌门人 278 2001-10-19 01:58
1287 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 yooman 72 2001-10-20 01:05
1270 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 Siren 30 2001-10-21 22:34
1251 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 啦啦啦 23 2001-10-24 08:08
1278 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 luoarchi 88 2001-10-24 09:40
1261 Re: 伦敦AA学校一游 aaschool 358 2001-10-15 10:36
1340 Re: 伦敦AA学校一游 掌门人 995 2001-10-15 15:55
1245 Re: 伦敦AA学校一游 黄色潜水艇 135 2001-10-15 17:52
1272 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 掌门人 1118 2001-10-15 18:12
1274 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 掌门人 955 2001-10-16 02:57
1295 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 独钓寒江雪 145 2001-10-16 11:49
1252 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 建筑偏执狂18号 20 2001-10-16 18:24
1250 Re: 真实学校:伦敦AA一游 yooman 86 2001-10-17 13:41


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