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回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛?   [精华]

发贴: 98
2002-12-19 13:21 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 legends 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
Looking for unique conceptions, this tower is composed by three elements: a building, a lift and a platform at the top. The office-building has thirty-seven stories. The outdoor lift goes directly to the top. Once in the restaurants you can see the city from above. Actually, the inhabitated roof becomes an extension of the public urban space of the city. In that sense, it continues the topic of the London Bridge Project.

A megastructure holds the main body, so the inner offices can eventually be removed and transformed for different purposes. This is a flexible concept that allows the project to survive along the changing times to come


人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
2417 ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 10 2002-12-19 03:07
930 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 724 2002-12-19 13:27
939 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 447 2002-12-19 05:46
924 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 4 2002-12-19 05:47
938 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 186 2002-12-19 06:06
934 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 24 2002-12-19 06:10
941 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 42 2002-12-19 06:13
930 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 14 2002-12-19 06:27
933 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 15 2002-12-19 06:28
931 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 217 2002-12-19 06:43
919 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 497 2002-12-23 00:28
939 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 3 2002-12-19 03:08
933 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 781 2002-12-19 13:21
934 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 5 2002-12-19 03:10
926 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 5 2002-12-19 03:12
931 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 5 2002-12-19 03:15
930 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 70 2002-12-19 03:21
921 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? 掌门人 52 2002-12-19 04:31
939 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 2258 2002-12-19 05:03
932 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 730 2002-12-19 05:30
930 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 3 2002-12-19 06:45
937 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? sponge 29 2002-12-19 09:28
929 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? 废弃建筑 8 2002-12-19 12:39
939 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 24 2002-12-19 13:08
917 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 18 2002-12-19 13:52
918 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 149 2002-12-19 14:16
918 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 182 2002-12-19 14:38
928 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 237 2002-12-19 14:49
934 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 555 2002-12-19 15:07
917 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 64 2002-12-19 15:10
924 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? thshades 72 2002-12-19 19:09
922 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? c31cn 1 2002-12-20 07:54
920 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? tears 229 2002-12-20 21:23
919 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? c31cn 2 2002-12-22 12:05
917 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 22 2002-12-19 13:34
919 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? c31cn 3 2002-12-22 12:08
920 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? c31cn 60 2002-12-22 12:13
922 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? c31cn 131 2002-12-23 09:22
922 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? 熊谷组驻 1048 2002-12-23 08:17
920 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 2 2002-12-23 01:51
919 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 705 2002-12-23 01:48
929 回复: ——先天不足——评坛?论坛? legends 1691 2002-12-19 13:03


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