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Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工!   [精华]

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ce n'est pas un pont (THIS IS NOT A BRIDGE )
——Pedro Pablo Arroyo Alba (白德龙)

After finishing the Wieden+Kennedy China Office, our own CA-Group office (both in Shanghai), and several temporary constructions, we are about to finish our first public building: a bridge (?)


On December 2004, we were commissioned the design of a pedestrian bridge in the Plot-18 of Qingpu District, Shanghai. This was actually the first design I did after arriving in China. The bridge would connect the two sides of the DianPuHe canal, separated 50m, and thus linking Hebin road at the north bank, with a new housing development at the south bank. Next to the bridge, inside the new development area, the master plan determines the location of a catholic church, designed by the Spanish architecture office S-MAO (Sancho-Madridejos).

Our strategy of borrowing concepts from local historical references and other variables of the site, together with the objective of optimizing, revealing and expressing the structural performance of the bridge, will generate the final form of the project.

Learning from the wonderful bridges of the great water town of ZhuJiaJiao, very near Qingpu, or those from the exquisite gardens in Suzhou, we decided to link both sides of the canal with a bent path, indirectly, instead of using a common direct line. The winding axis responds to different access conditions and also visually adapts to the surroundings. To the north, one landing direction is aligned with Pucan road. To the south, the other end is pointing to the entrance of the public square in front of the church. Both axes extend 12.5m over the waters from each bank, and a middle sector of 25m connects them. Since the central part of the bridge is facing the church directly, users will have a privilege perception of the building. As a result, this perceptual relation creates a very strong spatial tension between the two structures, which activates the area of the public square.

The load-span ratio recommends the use of the metal truss as structural model. In order to resist the strong torsion stresses associated with the support-less winding shape of the bridge, we need to activate structurally all the sides of its distorted volume. Not only the vertical, but also the horizontal surfaces of the bridge behave like a three-dimensional beam, working as a whole, like a tube, and deformed following the direction of the zigzag.

Both shores of the river have a contrasting character. At the north bank, the bridge lands on a perpendicular narrow street with traffic. At the south, the public space is wide and tranquil, free of vehicles. This fact is emphasized via the design of asymmetric constraints for the structure. The bridge has a simple support on the transversal ramp that faces the rapid street at the northern access. On the contrary, there is a rigid connection with the longitudinal ramp that welcomes the bridge to the slow and large southern square.

Both ramps are built with reinforced concrete and therefore belong conceptually to the ground, yet again, differently. The northern ramp seems to be lying over the stone riverside. On the contrary, the southern ramp advances towards the river, from which it emerges energetically.

Because of these very different supports, the resulting diagram of bending momentum of the overall structure is asymmetric, and this condition is translated to the design of the bridge’s elevation. The distance between the upper and lower profiles varies according to the structural requirements. Therefore, users walk inside the bridge through a sequence of spaces that contract and expand, emphasizing even more the alternating movement of the structure.

One of the final objectives of the process of structural optimization that I’m explaining throughout the article is trying to minimize the amount of different steel sections needed for the construction of the bridge. In this way we can lower the cost and ease the manufacturing of the structure.

Following this general strategy, the design of the bars that form each surface expresses the results of another important structural analysis, in this case the diagram of shear stress. For the layout of the profiles, instead of using a regular pattern whose bars become thicker when the stress is higher, we prefer to make the pattern denser, but still using the same structural section.

This feature is very common in structures we can find in nature. And for example, it is the same method used in the structural design of the CCTV building in Beijing. However, this solution is rather traditional in structural design, and we can trace it back to the iron bridges of the late XIXth century, when the metallurgic industry was not developed and just a limited number of profiles were available in structural catalogues.

What is most important in our case is the rhythm of the pattern itself, made of rhomboids. The cells are shifted one half the largest module, off the folding line of the bridge’s elevation, so the geometrical rhythm can be doubled seemingly. This feature is most evident at the highest vertical point of the bridge (9m), which doesn’t need the structural contribution of a vertical bar at the turning point, so the transition nodes can be observed very clearly.

Besides some square tubes that we had to use in the critical locations of the structure, most of the steel components are “open” structural profiles (H type). The total number of them is limited to a handful of different sections, after a careful balance between structural optimization, which would have needed more variety, and construction economy, which asks for repetition and standardization. In the end, all the profiles are custom made and assembled in small sets at the factory. They were later transported to the site and connected to each other in order to create the whole structure. The complete bridge was built on the southern riverside and finally transported on place with two cranes.

After painted white, the open profiles of the structure will cast self shadows that would make visitors to perceive the width of the bars thinner. Slimmer proportions will virtually alleviate the weight of the bridge, even if only perceptually, and will contribute to the final effect of “lightness” and “magic equilibrium” of our twisting jumping structure.

It is very common in Chinese tradition of bridge construction, especially in Southern China, to find cases, normally made in wood, where the structures are a sort of complete buildings that are hovering over the rivers. Indeed, we also understand that our bridge should provide for a dedicated space over the canal, becoming a room over the water, more than merely acting as an engineering device that solves a problem of physical connectivity.

Originally, we planned to envelope both the roof and deck with wooden skins. But after seeing the metal primary structure finished, its dedicated craftsmanship and beauty, we opted for leaving the steel exposed and then lift the wood covers above the beams. For the wood material we chose heat-treated pine. Compared with other methods of protecting the wood, heat treatment is more environmentally friendly since it doesn’t apply metal components. Moreover, the exposure of the wood only to temperature preserves the original brown color of the material, controlled by the length of exposure, and thus avoids undesired blue-green hues.

The orientation of the wood sticks follows the direction of maximum slope within each surface, in order to warrantee the rapid drainage of rainwater, with is evacuated directly on the river. The concave area of the wood cover next to the southern bank needed a special detail. Taking the artworks of the Italian artist Lucio Fontana as inspiration, the wooden surface is cut, sharply, and water is drained out through an “unhealed wound”.

The relation of the bridge with the different lighting conditions is one of the most important design features. During the day, the inner surfaces of wood will screen the glittering rays of the sun reflected from the water of the canal. At night, the sloped ceiling serves as a large reflector for the artificial lighting that is embedded onto the structure. A double, sometimes triple, line of fluorescent lamps is built over the diagonal beam that crosses the entire bridge. We use the space between the primary structure and the wood ceiling to disperse a cloud of indirect light.

The design of the lighting in this way will obviously render a very different image of the bridge in the day or in the night. This effect is perfectly intentioned. In general terms, we believe that trying to reproduce with artificial light the same visual conditions as with sunshine is not as interesting as giving the construction a new appearance after the sunset, where we can underline other formal and spatial aspects of the design. Under the sun, the most important feature of our bridge is the vertical surfaces, the elevation of the strong metal tracery, the play of self shadows within the structure, and shadows of the structure cast inside the bridge over the deck’s wooden floor. Under the moon, the attention is directed towards the wood ceiling, which is in the shade during the day. The ambient light created by the different reflections will transform the bridge into a large lamp over the water.

The design of the handrail is done with extreme simplicity, using steel rectangular tubes and panels of clear glass, so there is no formal competition with the primary aspects of the project. Hopefully, it would visually disappear. The section of the bars is minimized, and the rhythm of supports follows the same pattern of the main structure. The lower profile of the handrail integrates a line of security led light that will be permanently operating for the safety of users.


The aforementioned explanation of the project is very rigorous and analytical; very rational. Of course, the process of the construction is mixed with infinity of difficulties and emotional moments, which are far more complex to explain, and whose relation would need a lot more extension that the one of this article. At this moment, the reader would have perfectly understood the title of the article, why I believe that this bridge is not a bridge (in reference to Magritte’s famous painting). Because other dimensions of the project are more important than strictly the engineering ones. It is more a playground for children, a house for the sun, a landscape of shadows, a fish jumping the river, a balcony for lovers, a lamp that illuminates dreams, …, a personal adventure for a very young design team.

One very famous Spanish architect said that in order to have interesting architecture it is necessary to have a good architect and an intelligent client. From my experience in this project I can only but totally confirm this definition, if I’m forbidden the lack of modesty. Moreover, I should add that it is equally necessary a supporting engineering team and capable builders, all understanding the task and developing the design in the same direction.

Many people said that the project was impossible to be realized, but by the time this article is published, you may be able to visit it. The project will be finished before the Chinese National Day, October 1st of 2008, almost four years after the first sketch.

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72514 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 917 2008-10-26 14:54
56 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 慕容晴 10 2010-08-10 19:17
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 暴走兔子 16 2010-08-02 08:02
79 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zxc_2003 256 2008-11-12 01:21
62 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! shellin 56 2008-10-29 11:28
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 自由的声音 61 2008-10-28 11:42
69 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 121 2008-10-28 11:48
73 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 132 2008-11-05 14:58
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 67 2008-10-28 11:46
56 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 钥匙1 7 2008-10-27 19:54
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 67 2008-10-27 22:54
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 78 2008-10-30 00:13
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 史大林 279 2008-10-30 12:29
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 436 2008-10-30 16:07
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 小屁孩aa 12 2008-11-07 12:49
60 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 384 2008-10-27 23:06
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 511 2008-10-28 13:59
74 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! DESIGN_3000 451 2008-10-28 07:37
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! bwpm 71 2010-08-26 17:53
52 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 50 2008-10-27 13:15
78 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! jiaoran114 42 2008-10-27 13:16
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 自由的声音 45 2008-10-28 11:11
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 141 2008-10-28 11:27
80 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 2443 2008-10-27 23:19
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! outside 28 2008-10-28 11:20
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 303 2008-10-27 13:27
40 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ldfan2002 21 2008-10-26 22:22
52 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 95 2008-10-27 08:25
41 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! niko474 315 2010-07-29 11:14
72 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 七筑 445 2008-10-28 19:30
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 史大林 191 2008-10-29 09:28
68 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 611 2008-10-28 20:21
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 12 2008-10-28 11:50
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 自由的声音 28 2008-10-28 11:51
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 277 2008-11-06 11:41
36 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 27 2008-10-26 22:20
51 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 77 2008-10-28 00:17
43 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 559 2008-10-28 09:50
41 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 687 2008-10-29 20:02
46 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 233 2008-10-29 22:36
43 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 134 2008-10-30 02:57
38 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 158 2008-10-30 09:12
42 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 315 2008-10-31 23:26
55 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 628 2008-10-28 10:09
41 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! mojorisin 175 2008-12-26 14:02
34 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 86 2009-05-07 08:33
19 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 不老松 97 2010-09-29 19:52
57 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 混凝 36 2008-10-26 19:52
64 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 史大林 379 2008-10-26 20:54
59 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张桐506684 259 2008-10-27 00:24
52 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! gunfire 19 2008-10-26 23:36
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 91 2008-10-27 08:29
40 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 粗腰大大 12 2008-10-26 21:01
42 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 瓦片儿 6 2008-10-26 15:22
44 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 猪聪聪 20 2008-10-26 15:29
41 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 埃西布柯 63 2008-10-28 10:35
30 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 死在网上 106 2008-10-26 23:29
38 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 285292476 120 2012-05-24 10:16
47 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 8 2008-10-26 15:30
80 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! kant 344 2008-11-01 04:32
46 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张桐506684 28 2008-10-26 20:44
29 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 海纳百川 136 2010-08-06 13:09
78 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! kirk 27 2008-10-31 21:33
52 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! songzi206 9 2008-11-13 20:16
76 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! AAAschool 18 2008-11-07 04:03
63 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 313 2008-10-27 18:53
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 9 2008-10-27 18:56
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 上帝马车 210 2008-10-27 19:07
50 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 354 2008-10-27 18:03
26 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! Dhuman 413 2012-05-31 13:03
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 167 2008-10-27 17:44
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 袋鼠晴日 11 2008-10-31 19:36
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! hb000000000 69 2008-11-19 20:55
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 147 2008-11-01 00:14
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 无话可说 269 2008-11-02 00:44
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 落伍可可 86 2008-11-11 22:24
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 我爱画地图 9 2008-11-13 17:27
50 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 114 2008-10-31 17:38
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 许海瑛 15 2008-11-22 22:49
56 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! GrandTour 44 2008-11-23 00:10
77 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! jayjie 18 2008-11-24 16:30
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 一直沉默 20 2008-11-24 17:37
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! butterf1y 31 2008-11-27 16:20
70 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! AIRBONE 20 2008-12-20 17:53
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 栗子皮 78 2008-12-26 01:27
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 西部建卒 36 2008-12-26 09:51
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! mojorisin 23 2008-12-26 13:53
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! bevens 22 2008-11-06 11:22
41 Re:国内这些朋友不知道自己的审美有多肤浅么? dlovey 94 2008-12-27 22:08
57 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! dlovey 93 2008-12-27 22:18
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 史大林 186 2009-01-03 21:16
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! qunqing 99 2009-01-04 02:56
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朝天阙 40 2009-01-03 20:57
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! dlovey 48 2009-01-04 18:35
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 光明正大 76 2009-01-04 20:10
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 胡号 7 2009-05-07 02:37
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! Agentur 114 2009-05-06 22:17
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ArchCJ1228 20 2010-10-31 21:42
42 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 南萧亭 308 2010-07-03 11:06
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 傻子Logic 362 2010-07-03 20:44
69 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! jayjie 35 2008-11-24 16:28
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! topic 312 2010-07-03 12:30
69 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 米拉隔壁 22 2010-07-03 12:38
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 史大林 26 2010-07-03 19:57
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! wocai315ecadi 7 2010-07-09 14:11
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 影帝也疯狂 71 2010-09-30 09:58
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! yongquan07 40 2010-07-09 14:18
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! pyzx 18 2010-07-31 14:54
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zbf1028 27 2010-07-31 23:13
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! lixin1024 20 2010-08-01 10:03
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 我是建人 55 2010-08-01 10:38
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! sub2001 68 2010-08-06 10:03
39 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 前程担忧 200 2008-11-13 22:40
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! lzyh138 17 2010-08-06 10:35
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! DJ917 56 2010-08-08 02:12
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 叶喜宝 235 2010-08-07 20:10
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 俊采星驰1 19 2010-08-09 11:22
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! leegone 18 2010-08-08 21:54
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! pyzx 8 2010-08-09 08:24
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 11 2010-08-09 13:03
37 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 峒嵝人 3 2010-08-10 15:14
26 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 地中海爱情 10 2010-08-11 20:57
24 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! huarygeng 36 2010-08-12 16:46
52 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 575 2008-11-04 15:55
24 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! xiaoxiaoc 24 2010-08-13 10:10
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 红色构件 62 2010-08-13 16:48
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 红叶居 38 2010-08-15 21:08
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 雷创数码科技 5 2010-08-15 21:27
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 落伍IT 128 2010-08-27 16:52
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! LaVieon 20 2010-08-25 23:27
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! BMW730 26 2010-08-27 16:43
22 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! obtainworld 93 2010-08-29 23:33
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 南萧亭 168 2010-08-31 11:29
33 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! punkboy12345 34 2010-08-30 13:35
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 建筑一菜鸟 6 2010-08-30 14:01
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! shss2006 226 2008-11-05 22:11
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! bucklt 20 2010-08-31 08:15
18 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 8690494 78 2010-09-08 01:46
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! wonderlast 36 2010-09-13 18:59
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 豆豆她爹 36 2010-09-16 09:55
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 不老松 162 2010-09-29 19:58
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! wangzih1990 125 2010-09-19 13:15
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! Theman 12 2010-09-19 10:00
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! linxi061201 37 2010-09-19 14:57
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 蕤葳春叶兰 24 2010-09-20 08:57
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! liujinjianzhu 6 2010-09-25 13:52
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! beiyuming12345 30 2010-09-24 10:56
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 漂流三角裤 40 2010-08-10 20:03
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 千年古刹 13 2008-11-10 09:39
39 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! crisy048 10 2010-09-24 15:37
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 空中意向 17 2010-09-25 01:04
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! luyidet 3 2010-09-25 10:05
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 清轻的风 12 2010-09-25 10:49
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! chenboshi 15 2010-09-26 08:47
24 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! totti21 442 2010-09-25 22:40
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 305948417 10 2010-09-26 11:38
33 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! topic 6 2010-09-27 05:49
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! czloser 49 2010-09-27 18:07
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 不老松 196 2010-09-29 19:56
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 疯狂的几何 4 2010-10-11 21:46
39 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! wildboy 50 2008-10-27 11:50
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 114 2008-10-27 17:45
23 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! weiwenhu2008 87 2011-07-13 11:14
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! badjack 5 2011-07-21 12:42
33 Re:上海青浦步行桥 oyqfapchy 8 2011-07-22 09:38
26 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! combmirror 85 2011-07-25 13:21
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! wofs 46 2011-07-27 14:18
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! mgf0808 18 2011-07-27 16:13
25 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张紫骐 18 2011-07-29 14:11
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ayumikyo 21 2012-02-16 15:37
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! haozhang2608 35 2012-02-20 16:55
21 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 星星之心 3 2012-02-21 08:46
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 242 2008-10-27 13:41
19 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 心深呼吸 17 2012-05-23 23:00
33 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 给猪插上翅膀 22 2012-05-24 15:12
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! THE ROCK 34 2012-05-30 08:45
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! tangshl527 6 2012-05-30 13:47
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! GreatJohn 154 2012-05-30 14:41
24 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 康德 10 2012-05-31 09:24
37 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! topic 55 2012-05-31 09:33
53 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! okokorg 21 2012-05-31 18:33
37 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! xbulid 12 2012-05-31 19:36
28 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 又见飞雪 31 2012-05-31 21:37
44 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 帆歌 5 2008-10-26 18:20
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 东方之鱼 6 2012-06-11 13:37
32 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 激情天才 16 2012-07-11 09:23
33 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! chh_008 43 2012-07-11 20:29
20 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! liucong44 8 2012-07-30 16:30
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 川稀饭 7 2008-11-05 09:29
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 猪聪聪 232 2008-10-27 12:02
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 丁天齐 325 2010-09-25 13:51
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 232 2008-10-27 13:32
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 27 2008-10-27 13:34
58 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 140 2008-10-27 17:52
42 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 埃西布柯 126 2008-10-28 10:38
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 59 2008-10-28 10:48
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 241 2008-10-27 13:35
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 122 2008-10-27 13:37
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! roy_pan 25 2010-12-09 16:55
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 128 2008-10-27 13:37
53 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 房子没有顶 179 2008-10-27 13:41
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 325 2008-10-27 10:26
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 幽灵幽灵 408 2008-11-05 18:55
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! istds 169 2008-11-05 03:13
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 白蟹 22 2008-10-27 22:14
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! cqgqm 10 2008-10-27 11:29
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 010063rw 30 2008-10-27 21:36
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 11452 2008-10-27 22:51
102 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zxc_2003 27158 2008-11-06 00:57
54 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 叮当叮当 176 2008-10-27 22:34
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 265 2008-10-27 22:49
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 138 2008-10-29 16:37
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 162 2008-11-04 18:43
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! cqiang 52 2010-12-09 12:08
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! mammoth 70 2008-10-27 11:02
54 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! DESIGN_3000 37 2008-10-27 06:56
50 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 115 2008-10-27 08:27
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! DESIGN_3000 99 2008-10-27 09:08
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 135 2008-10-27 10:27
17 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 晒呀晒呀晒太阳 172 2012-05-31 13:12
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! sanky 23 2008-11-17 21:43
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! CHINA BLUE 8 2008-11-09 23:08
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! bbyboy87 19 2008-11-19 16:56
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! bbyboy87 22 2008-11-19 16:58
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! FERRARI250 56 2008-11-18 00:43
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 136 2008-11-19 16:36
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 253 2008-11-04 19:00
58 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 301 2008-11-05 14:50
52 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 800ml 281 2008-11-04 18:57
23 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 日光罗盘 63 2010-12-13 10:42
59 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! istds 112 2008-11-05 03:14
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 184 2008-11-05 10:10
74 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zxc_2003 238 2008-11-06 01:44
42 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! qpstudio 8 2008-11-05 10:34
46 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 377 2008-10-31 16:58
57 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! istds 63 2008-11-05 03:06
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 叮当叮当 8 2008-11-04 20:56
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 193 2008-11-04 15:47
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 210 2008-11-04 18:14
50 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 241 2008-11-04 18:50
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! istds 112 2008-11-05 03:16
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 87 2008-11-04 19:05
57 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 29 2008-11-04 16:54
37 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 185 2008-11-04 18:47
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 126 2008-11-04 18:06
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! gbsj 123 2010-12-14 20:48
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 243 2008-11-11 17:28
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 293 2008-11-04 15:59
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 46 2008-11-19 16:15
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 241 2008-11-19 16:13
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! pingwilliam 79 2008-11-04 10:49
49 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 359 2008-11-04 11:15
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 430 2008-11-04 12:52
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 235 2008-11-04 13:24
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 86 2008-11-04 13:40
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 270 2008-11-04 11:19
37 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 45 2008-12-20 11:02
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! evan_hu 55 2008-11-10 15:14
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 128 2008-11-04 18:00
28 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 张3 431 2008-11-04 21:01
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 剪刀手 27 2008-11-11 10:32
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 81 2008-11-20 11:55
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zxc_2003 169 2008-11-22 21:54
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 56 2008-11-04 15:52
62 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 文筑 1644 2008-11-03 12:59
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 52 2008-10-28 10:18
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 192 2008-10-28 10:38
39 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 242 2008-10-28 10:53
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 324 2008-10-28 11:28
31 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! lmjralf 23 2008-11-16 20:05
53 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! istds 112 2008-11-05 03:15
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 龙之文脉 68 2008-10-29 23:23
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 16 2008-10-30 12:15
30 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 85 2008-10-30 19:33
49 Re:[文筑国际新作] 上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 千年古刹 3 2008-10-26 22:17
38 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 自由的声音 15 2008-10-28 10:33
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 孤野村夫 7 2008-10-29 14:33
29 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! hbgsniewen 12 2008-11-20 13:23
34 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 游泳的狼 26 2010-12-09 14:15
55 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 马车轮子 894 2008-11-03 23:03
35 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 307 2008-10-30 09:39
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 147 2008-10-30 11:32
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! kant 100 2008-11-01 04:41
36 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! xstudio 115 2008-10-29 10:38
54 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! reko 14 2008-11-08 14:32
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 浓血巧克力 90 2008-10-29 20:30
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! AK16 33 2008-10-29 09:32
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 周晓鸥 162 2008-10-29 02:49
44 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ARC—骑士 238 2008-10-29 22:48
40 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 315 2008-10-30 09:59
43 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 160 2008-10-29 09:28
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 周晓鸥 213 2008-10-29 21:15
45 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! ykifoo 144 2008-11-06 11:35
53 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zxc_2003 238 2008-11-13 19:47
59 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! liwenjia0613 136 2008-10-29 00:21
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! zhang000111 42 2008-11-07 17:37
54 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 鬼某 17 2008-10-28 17:37
27 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 嗷嗷待哺 4 2008-11-18 10:37
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 12 2008-11-04 13:44
42 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朗香设计组 155 2008-11-04 13:49
48 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 妈的狗屎 304 2008-11-04 14:16
41 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! xinhuawei1322 44 2008-10-28 16:31
42 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 独猪 28 2008-10-28 17:05
47 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! xp1982 114 2008-10-28 13:59
51 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! yanglory 194 2008-10-28 20:26
56 Re:上海青浦步行桥,历时四年终告完工! 朝天阙 36 2008-10-28 20:49


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