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Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈   [精华]

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MONUMENT 95 里有一篇对话

is a principal of Sydneybased Chenchow Little, the practice he co-founded in 1994 with Stephanie Little. They were awarded the 2009 AlA Robin Boyd Award for Residential Architecture for Freshwater House. Their body of work will be featured in MONUMENT 96.

Tony Chenchow: In an essay by Julian Worrall~ he mentioned that when you moved to a larger office, one item from your old office remained unchanged: a photograph Of Albert Einstein, which hangs on thewall of your office. How is Einstein significant to you and how
has his particular way of~thinhing through things~ been an important
modelforyour office?

Sou Fujimoto: He is, quite simply put, something of a hero to me.He has Significance to me, because his works were the very reason behind my interest in space. I am forever interested in the idea of space not beingta concrete notion but relative to diverse matters and their relationships. I feel architecture and space always undergo change and"ambiguous states of being in correlation to people, context and many, many other factors.I just look at Einstein's works and admire the bold path of discovery he has set in the world.

TC: Your buildings (such as House N) appear as abstracted objects within an urban or landscaped setting. You also discuss your buildings in abstract terms~ for example in your monograph Primitive' Future (2008) you discuss your architecture in terms of10 'founding
intuitions~ such as Nest or Cave, In a tree-like place, City as house-house as city and so on. You also discuss House N as resembling ~living in the clouds~ During the design process, how have you moved back and forth between these broad abstracted and imaginary issues and the more mundane and concrete issues, such as the client's brief or program, climate~ surrounding environment and technical issues such as construction and regulatory codes.

SF: The 10 chapters or concepts in Primitive Future are not exactly a strict order of an approach to architecture, they are rather, like you mention, intuitions founded (and emerging) along previous projects by the office, which have become a kind of signpost for how we converse within the office. They are definitely signs that exist only to be
rewritten and to be expanded upon. It's hard to define, but it does not really feel like we move back and forth between these terms and mundane/concrete issues. They
are created and expanded through engaging with the client's brief, and other technical issues that make architecture as architecture.

TC: The reason bel1ind the question is that your buildings seem deceivingly simple but complex at the same time, as you need to negotiate with the concrete and the mundane. As a practitioner~ I know to achieve simplicity is very complex and difficult. For
example~ the aim of the construction detailing is to achieve 48 abstraction~ that is, to detail the building without it appearing that it is detailed. (Detailing involves hiding and at the same time emphasises and restructures to maintain the abstract reading of the building). A good example is your House Before House where the house is conceptualised as a number of randomly arranged and stacked boxes. Here you have achieved an almost literal translation between the concept and the built building through the way you have detailed the building.

SF: Many of the works from the office do appear very simple, but perhaps, a term we often speak about is for them to appear 'clear'. The main intention is to make clear the relationships, which is to say, the architecture itself. The House Before House project is indeed detailed in a way that! the diagram is almost literally erected, however the emphasis is not for'it to appear model-like, but rather to define myriad levels of resolution within the relationship of architecture, nature and man. You will find that the white walls of the cubes are finished in such a way that the rough texture becomes apparent only from
about 50cm aw'ay. The resolution of interaction jumps in relativity to one's experience.

TC: House N and House Before House are both white houses. The method of construction and its materiality are not visible. My interpretation is that abstraction here involves a process ofreduction or ~stripping away'. In House 0 and the modelfor the Garden
House~ the walls express the materiality and construction: the concrete and the lines of the formwork are visible. Can you discuss the two different approaches to abstraction, materiality and construction.

SF: We feel that white is very much a material, and we try to utilise its properties in many different ways as much as possible. In the case of House N, we felt the architecture to exist like a cloud, seeing pieces of the sky in layers. The presence of the architecture here is
taken to the background as an instrument to mediate the filtering of the light and the many views. House Before House, on the other hand, prepares the site with fields of canvas for the trees to acrobatically fuse the notion of nature and architecture by its configuration and the orientation suggested by each of the boxes. We envisaged the walls of House 0 and House Garden as being rather like a continuation of the cliff edge or the garden. Both of the
approaches dissolve the architecture to make apparent the spatial relationships and dialogues within the space.

TC: From the description and photos of your buildings, traditional binary oppositions such as inside/outside, natural/unnatural, open and enclosed space are undone. For example, the spaces of House N are experienced as neither inside or outside. You talk about this space as being 'in-between'. Couldyou discuss the notion of the 'in-between'?

SF: It is architecture's inescapable fate to delineate the inside to the outside. However, I feel that in reality, the world that we live in is full of many ambiguities and in-betweens.
What I envisage to articulate in architecture is not to necessarily undo these binary opposites, but rather allow the in-betweens to be an experiential being, to enrich how one can interact with space. This notion of in-bet weens, finding gradations of matter, has
long lived within traditional Japanese architecture. I m, yself am simply rediscovering these notions of exploring the rich~s of space that exist between these opposites.

TC: What Ifind interesting about your work is the sense of 'scalelessness'. In a traditional building, the openings in a wall correspond to a room and its floor plate and as such provide a register of human scale. In House N the openings and their arrangement
appear random. It is not until you look at photos of House N showingfurniture
andpeople do you begin to understand the scale of the building. To what extent are the openings random? What process do you go through to locate the openings?

SF: Yes, I am very much interested in the scale of things. One thing I wonder at is how the conventional human scale of contemporaneity is only a very recent development within human history. Looking at our entire human history and nature, I believe that there are myriad scales that people are able to register; either small or big. In House N, the op enings are a portal to the sky. The scale of the openings is, in itself, very large to be called a conventional window, however, I feel it is a rather comfortable scale for someone to register it as a medium that mediates both enclosed and open.

TC: In your later house, House H, there is a sense of scaleless ness in the exterior wall of the model of the building, but the openings are not as random as they appear from the drawings. They clearly relate to each room and the stepped floor plates. This seems to be
different from House N. Did you have a different approach for House H? The stepped height of each room and the interior spatial structure of House H remind me of an abstracted elaboration of Ado/fLoos'Raumplan.

SF: In House H, the openings are, again, not treated as windows, they are apertures to connect rooms to each other. The apertures punctuate each room at a scale appropriate to register the aperture layers which exist in layers beyond the one you look through. They
seek to attain a field betweel\ fully connected and segmented relationships. The opening in House N was imagined to exist like a loose skin with a significant thickness.

TC: Youfoundedyour office in Tokyo in 2000. You have won arch i, tecture awards locally and internationally and you have gained international prominence through recent publications. Your practice has grown andyou are undertaking not only larger projects, bu t
projects outside Japan, in places such as Oslo, Dubai, and Tehran. Has this changed the way your office and you now worlr?

SF: The approach to larger projects sited in wider and variegated contexts has most definitely opened up newer ideas and p'erspectives in our approach to architecture.
In these larger contexts, architecture explore,s a being not as singular spatial matter but something that is both landscape and infrastructure; a wider spectrum of notions on how architecture coexists with nature and urbanity. Our office is now a home for staff and interns from many places around the wbrld. As global cultural views are shared, the manner
and attitude towards how we work with architecture also changes for the better, I think.
For me personally, when we began undertaking international projects I started to rediscover many very Japanese notions of space and architecture.

TC: The themes of randomness, stacked~ repetitive elements and scalelessness appear to have allowed you to jump from the small scale of your houses to larger scale projects, such as your entries for the Benetton Building in Tehran and the Library in Oslo.
Have you found this shift difficult? Do you think that your clients have also recognised this quality of your work - its ability to be extended?

SF: Not necessarily difficult, Challenging though, but in a very good way. Many spatial theories and ideas deteriorate with certain scales, and some become more powerful. I enjoy exercising new sensitivities and intuitions picked up along the way in different contexts, which is very exciting. I hope to continue to traverse these differences in scale and to expand further on many new definitions of architecture in the future.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
48152 藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 1765 2010-01-30 17:44
200 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H borendodo 48 2010-01-30 18:05
103 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 heyqlaile 66 2010-01-30 23:05
44 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 gz21hc 127 2012-03-02 10:43
37 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 牧马人111 34 2012-03-03 16:37
58 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 welguard 450 2012-03-06 13:07
34 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 东瓯西门人 7 2012-03-25 19:13
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 东瓯西门人 11 2012-03-26 13:52
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 创意先锋2010 2184 2012-05-07 22:46
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 心深呼吸 65 2012-05-23 22:57
33 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 房子没有顶 276 2012-05-25 11:02
42 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 fyw159 6 2012-07-07 00:25
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 激情天才 108 2012-07-07 10:27
62 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 69 2010-01-30 23:15
22 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 os888 42 2012-07-09 14:28
25 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 chh_008 27 2012-07-09 20:00
41 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 craz 14 2012-08-30 22:13
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 caphoho 22 2012-09-02 10:54
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 maglone 4 2012-09-04 13:42
58 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 zao 22 2010-01-30 23:20
52 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 108 2010-01-30 23:32
54 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 zao 227 2010-01-31 09:56
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 246 2010-01-31 13:56
34 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 张3 87 2010-01-30 23:27
45 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 headacher 143 2010-02-02 13:56
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 88 2010-02-02 15:43
28 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 张3 287 2010-02-02 17:30
35 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 headacher 259 2010-02-03 19:18
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 152 2010-02-04 01:49
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 headacher 207 2010-02-04 18:39
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 44 2010-01-30 23:30
40 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 xbulid 3 2010-01-31 00:06
59 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 石开计划SK 334 2010-01-31 05:10
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 chenjingfus 14 2010-01-31 08:39
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 102 2010-01-31 14:00
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 远际L鱼谷 18 2010-01-31 10:54
29 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 xmufeng 21 2010-01-31 13:25
46 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 米拉隔壁 6 2010-01-30 18:12
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 吞下泡泡糖 57 2010-03-11 21:26
47 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 F伯爵 210 2010-01-31 13:38
34 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 土豆多媒体 33 2010-01-31 13:43
103 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 F伯爵 76 2010-01-31 13:53
38 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 夜雨无痕 82 2010-02-01 11:11
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 上了建筑的贼船 21 2010-02-01 11:31
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 大帽子 13 2010-02-01 21:41
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sifu238 63 2010-02-02 14:31
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 132 2010-02-02 14:35
23 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 成眠 46 2010-03-10 20:11
22 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 周隽罡 28 2010-02-02 16:44
41 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 FindingNemo 12 2010-02-03 13:46
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sifu238 131 2010-02-03 17:12
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 187 2010-02-04 01:50
38 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 傻子Logic 11 2010-01-30 18:20
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H ARC—骑士 122 2010-01-30 18:34
39 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 傻子Logic 183 2010-01-30 18:38
50 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H Dhuman 76 2010-03-21 12:15
38 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sifu238 100 2010-02-04 12:02
25 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 68 2010-02-05 02:13
50 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 朗香设计组 70 2010-02-05 08:42
23 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 九个盒子 34 2010-02-05 11:46
28 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 江湖不忘 104 2011-03-31 20:57
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 NicyNickey 68 2010-02-06 15:59
23 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 彩色复印机 15 2010-02-06 22:10
62 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 uae 93 2010-02-09 15:59
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 makelele6630 176 2010-03-20 12:46
42 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sifu238 10410 2010-03-04 17:46
93 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 壹品空间 72 2010-03-05 12:38
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 xiaobuzone 4 2010-03-07 10:34
35 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H lsnlsnn 32 2010-01-30 19:16
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 8 2010-03-08 14:28
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 lh_2035 13 2010-03-08 16:44
29 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 钙建筑 119 2010-03-09 12:37
54 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 oasis 40 2010-03-13 14:38
29 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 xpp20002000 207 2010-03-15 00:10
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 lee119 25 2010-03-15 12:03
19 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 yhp8099 6 2010-03-16 10:44
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 qqdoghome 43 2010-03-16 15:10
35 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 naoky 32 2010-03-16 21:55
62 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 wonderlast 12 2010-03-17 08:45
45 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H borendodo 134 2010-01-30 21:18
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 liujian8238479 113 2010-03-17 22:28
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 hit0211 6 2010-03-18 00:43
19 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 wy211700 14 2010-03-18 16:02
35 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 songyuejianzhu 110 2010-03-18 17:41
28 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 一木一林一森 42 2010-03-19 15:47
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 songyuejianzhu 150 2010-03-19 22:59
43 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 dannywoo 9 2010-03-19 22:58
51 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 252570126 32 2010-03-21 19:17
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 建设建设 78 2010-03-21 19:19
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 HIABBS 135 2010-03-24 00:26
28 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 9 2010-03-24 02:09
23 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H heyqlaile 94 2010-01-30 21:22
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 fenggongzi 18 2010-03-24 10:41
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 月下的茶宴 9 2010-03-24 19:15
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 hujianjie2010 40 2010-03-25 11:00
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 荒岛 14 2010-03-25 22:32
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 55 2010-03-26 00:26
41 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 jontone 7 2010-03-26 23:23
39 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 westhambayern1 69 2010-03-27 11:07
34 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 福大鸟人 12 2010-03-27 20:27
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sevenl 66 2010-03-27 20:40
25 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 Theman 18 2010-03-28 15:56
61 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 uae 66 2010-03-29 14:01
35 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 borendodo 7 2010-03-29 22:09
41 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H borendodo 10016 2010-01-30 22:23
24 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 xituo00000 8 2010-03-30 17:56
38 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 zhuanhua1986 8 2010-03-31 10:17
47 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 wonderlast 27 2010-03-31 11:23
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 yyyyyyyy2006 56 2010-04-03 16:00
39 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 yyyyyyyy2006 41 2010-04-03 16:09
48 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 hongri303 13 2010-04-06 13:16
29 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 手心有滴汗 20 2010-04-06 14:37
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 dabuyou0091_xy 30 2010-04-06 19:53
34 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 兰黑 64 2010-04-12 16:35
39 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 强强lian 19 2010-04-15 17:03
28 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 锁石 73 2010-01-30 22:26
27 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H heyqlaile 179 2010-01-30 22:46
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作HOUSE-H 锁石 151 2010-01-31 11:41
23 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 落伍IT 55 2010-08-27 16:50
48 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 不过就是这样 15 2010-08-27 19:47
41 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 kingdrower 30 2011-03-29 17:15
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 流浪森林 62 2011-04-01 22:45
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 melody1989 99 2011-04-02 13:05
44 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 firstoney 6 2011-04-02 13:56
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 awdsxd1231 92 2011-04-03 15:48
25 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 yyyyyyyy2006 13 2012-02-04 20:04
29 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 zaka 14 2012-02-07 12:35
22 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 关晓杰 45 2012-02-08 11:04
42 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 lsnlsnn 73 2010-01-30 22:47
26 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 朗域软膜天花 10 2012-02-10 16:56
24 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 小艳绘建筑 88 2012-02-10 20:09
32 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 sifu238 607 2012-02-12 21:42
40 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 gargar 46 2012-02-17 12:45
31 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 lzman 31 2012-02-17 13:51
20 《HOUSE-H》及一篇Arch susan8317 25 2012-02-22 16:58
30 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 T.S 17 2012-02-23 12:56
36 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 T.S 28 2012-02-23 13:07
21 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 nini0 12 2012-02-27 10:53
33 Re:藤本壮介2009.11新作《HOUSE-H》及一篇Archdaily对他的访谈 eer116 21 2012-02-29 14:34


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