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Masterplanning the Future - Calling for Paper

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2012-04-15 10:30 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 ice 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
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The two-part conference is broken down as follows (more details are available here):


A major international debate to discuss the state of cities, from the West to the East. It will be a popular conference with sessions encouraging intelligent audience participation.

This two-day forum will contain chaired panel debates and presentations led by architects, designers and commentators (including geographers, engineers, urban designers, as well as cultural commentators and leading figures representing a mix of local, national and global interests).

This conference will engage with an international audience comprising academics, business leaders, urban practitioners, developers, writers, designers, as well as students, parents, locals and policymakers.

The conference will be filmed for online dissemination across the web and through a social media campaign. This will provide direct access to the university and an insight the dynamic approach to ideas to be found there. A book of edited transcripts (ISBN) will be published.

Topics include:
Cities in a changing world;
Where next? A five-year plan for urban settlements;
The practice and potential of Built Environment education in China.


An Academic Conference Strand on more specific aspects of cross-boundary urban design, theory, practice and history. It will deal specifically with experts in fields related to “Modernism”, with examples drawn from around the world. Part of the conference will explore the relevance of these experiences to Modern China.

The objectives of this segment of the conference will be to facilitate discussions on the following generic terms:
1.Reflections on notions of ‘the Modern’; including Modernist architectural philosophy (with its relevance, or otherwise) to Chinese urban designs;
2.Planning practice with historic, current and future city planning across the world;
3.Assessing the successes and failures of urban planning theory;
4.Exploring the way forward.

The Academic conference ‘Modernism in Architecture and Urbanism’ will draw together leading voices in academia on these themes to discuss their work.

Chosen presentations, debate and outcomes are intended to be captured in an edited, peer-reviewed (ISSN) academic publication in 2013.


To Submit an Abstract or Paper, or edit a submission please visit our submission page here

Schedule for Submissions

2nd May 2012: Extended Abstracts submission (1000 words maximum)

29th May 2012: Shortlist notification/Call for Final Papers

16th July 2012: Submission of Final Papers

3rd August 2012: Final payment deadline

15th August 2012: Final notification to authors for corrections/acceptance

15th September 2012: Finalization of proceedings/ initial programme

Extended abstracts should be submitted, in English only, as indicated on the template guidelines by 12:00 pm UK time on 2nd May 2012. This must be completed and uploaded as a pdf file into OpenConf.

Authors must indicate at this stage if audio-visual equipment may be required in the presentation of their paper and relevant technical specifications.

The extended abstracts and final papers will be reviewed and selection made by the�Review Board in light of the criteria set out above. The decision of the Board is final.

Authors invited to submit full papers must do so by no later than 17:00 UK time on 16th July 2012. The papers must be submitted, in English only,�as indicated on the template guidelines by 12:00 pm UK time. This must be completed and uploaded as a pdf file into OpenConf.

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459 Masterplanning the Future - Calling for Paper ice 3737 2012-04-15 10:30


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