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关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师)

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Freelancer Architect: 合作交流

  SOHO族是指在家办公的一类新人。SOHO族(small office/home office)是随着电脑时代,物质文明,精神文明的提高而出现的。电脑的出现,一方面加快了社会节奏和生活节奏,社会价值的创造必须跟上电脑的速度,于是一切都加快了脚步,时间似乎总是不够用。另一方面,电脑毕竟解放了劳动力,使很多工作可以节省时间,促使了"休闲文化"的诞生,工作节奏和生活节奏可以在时间的自由支配下舒缓下来。SOHO族就是享受电脑便利带来的舒缓节奏的一族。
  诞生于20世纪90年代末美国硅谷地区的MORE(mobile office residential edifice )社区,也就是互动商务居住区,是2000年欧美地区从SOHO演变而成的全新社区概念,是SOHO族基于人性化的延伸,因此也被称之为"后SOHO时代",更体现人文精神,人权至上,以人为本。我们的家到此为止已经经历了三代。第一代的家是传统的家,它是与工作完全脱离的,是为家人提供依靠的港湾,给人以温馨和安全感。第二代的家是SOHO式及LOFT式,以家为工作间的模式,是完全开放的没有隐私的家,便于客户来访,交流。第三代的家是与工作既脱离又关联的MORE社区。户主及家人不但拥有工作间,而且各自拥有一片完全属于自己的天空,更加人性化,更多地渗入了温情,更多地关注人的需要,更多地与社会融合。这种更新的1+1居住模式将会在不远的将来取代SOHO。
3. MO族:

How to Become a Freelance Architect

A freelance architect is an architect that chooses to represent herself and is not tied to a firm. After years of education and obtaining proper licensure, many architects do not necessarily want to have their names lost to the face of a larger firm. Freelance is an option for trained architects who want to be their own boss of their talents and abilities.

If you're a trained architect who wants to work from home, you might consider freelance architecture from home as a way to mesh caring for your family and earning income.

1. Know What to Expect

As a licensed freelance architect, expect to work within a specialty, whether it be residential, commercial buildings or landscape design. You can offer the same services as architects employed by larger companies, as well as lower-impact counsel. The projects clients need freelance consultation for vary, from laying out a home garden to designing complex commercial structures.

2. Fulfill the Requirements

To become an architect, freelance or otherwise, you must be registered by your state's Architectural Registration board. To become registered, you must demonstrate your education (a BA or MA in architecture), your experience (usually garnered through an intern program) and your ability to pass your state's architectural exam.

3. Decide to Go Freelance

The advantages of being a freelance architect are many. Complete control over every aspect of your business is a very compelling motivator. The downside of freelancing is that though you won't be encumbered by the weight and politics of a large firm, neither will you have its support or recognizable name. However, you can manage your own hours and, as much as possible, your own wages. You can incorporate your personal ethics and ideals into your work. Your name may quickly come to be associated with environmentally-friendly designs or large-impact visuals.

You can run such a business from a home office, reducing the time spent away from your family.

4. Market to What the Customer Wants

Many clients seeking an architect are grateful for the freelance market. It is a desirable option for companies and individuals seeking general advice who do not want to have to hire a full-time architect for a full-time project. The freelance market also enables those seeking architectural expertise to have the widest selection of available talent. They are not constrained by the hefty prices and crowded schedules of large architectural firms. Many employers prefer the one-on-one contact of a freelancer. A freelancer architect is likely to be able to give plenty of time and attention to her employer, offering as little or as much help as the employer needs. Make sure in your advertising and self promotion that your prospective clients know you are willing to provide this attention.

5. Find Freelance Work

To find freelance work, you can advertise yourself directly, though newspapers, private websites or Craigslist. But, there are many online sites, such as and, that list directories of freelance architects. You can post your profiles to be browsed by people in need of your services. Sites like list architectural projects awaiting bids. The lister describes what they are trying to build, along with detail of their architectural needs. You can respond with your resumes, ideas and bids.

Freelancing is an option if you are an architect pursuing a career that allows you to express your individuality. Though going freelance will reveal new struggles, the benefits of being your own boss might far outweigh them.

susitian edited on 2012-12-16 16:54

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
7959 关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) windows98wh 5023 2012-11-16 15:06
18 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ArchRen 25 2012-11-16 23:13
21 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) welguard 589 2012-12-01 10:47
19 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ArchRen 16 2012-12-06 21:35
24 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) zhibo90 22 2012-12-10 23:50
18 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) F伯爵 14 2012-12-11 16:21
19 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ben_gx 81 2013-06-09 13:45
17 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) penny 54 2013-06-18 11:29
23 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) 塞外山城 11 2012-11-18 00:56
23 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) windows98wh 75 2012-11-18 10:34
19 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) 漂流的建筑 14 2012-11-23 14:38
13 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) wcc52 53 2012-11-23 19:20
18 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ArchRen 235 2012-11-25 12:09
15 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ArchRen 15 2012-11-25 12:05
31 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) chentongct22341 161 2012-11-25 22:54
28 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) 深圳瑞德工作室 584 2012-11-26 18:25
21 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) hubin123156 242 2012-11-27 09:23
23 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) artstar 293 2012-11-27 20:58
26 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) 史大林 347 2012-11-28 19:57
48 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) lanmo 629 2012-11-27 10:35
16 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ironball 708 2012-11-30 23:46
27 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) bonker 71 2012-12-06 10:11
22 Re:关于Freelancer Architect (自由职业建筑师) ArchRen 28 2012-12-01 00:10


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