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piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然   [精华]

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2002-03-27 13:02 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 i 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
"Space is made up of volumes, high and low volumes, compressions and expansions, calm and tension, horizontal planes and inclined planes. They are all elements intended to stir the emotions, but they are not the only ones. I believe that is very important to work with the immaterial elements of space and I am fascinated by this research. I think that it is one of the main currents in my architecture.


"MATERIALS: terra cotta, wood and stone"
"True modernity can lie in the oldest of materials, constructions techniques, and ideas." "Building Workshop has taken another look at terra-cotta, wood and stone, elements that are found in the most ancient works of architecture, and has tried in some way to reinvent their use. Sometimes these materials have been given structural tasks, at others they have served as facings and ornamentation. In both cases the rediscovery of the functional properties of the materials has coincided with a reclamation of their expressive qualities in close relation to the context

“Building Workshop 从另一角度看待这些从古建筑中找到的材料:赤土陶,木材,石料,并试图找到再次利用这些材料的方法。这些材料有时作为承重材料,有时作为贴面或装饰。无论哪一种情况,都应当与周围相近有关的文脉保持一致。

"When I’m asked what the city of the future will be like, I answer: like that of the past, I hope. Our century has done terrible damage to that great human invention, the city. Its positive values – social life, the mix of functions, the quality of the buildings – are all leftovers from the past, and barely survive in the urban centres of the present day. And yet they are indisputably modern values. Today, we speak of multifunctionality, and try to bring it into our designs. Yet until just a few decades ago, cities were multifunctional by definition." "We will have to learn the lesson of the old cities, whose model of urban planning has proved itself open to modification and updating, allowing it to survive for centuries.

" 城市中心

"History and nature: the two contexts in which architecture has his roots. These two elements coexist and interact." "The context is a resource; it is material to draw on, a score to be interpreted.""Architectural invention cannot ignore history, tradition or the context of construction. It may decide to break with all that, but even then it has to take these influences into account, though in terms of opposition, of overturning.


"The structure on which the building stands is normally made out of materials from the place itself: it is like a bas-relief carved into the site. This means that every project has a topographical component. To interpret the "placeform", every project requires a specific study, a deep understanding of its history, geography, geology, and climate." "Nature does things well, and careful observation of it can teach us many things, but imitation is naive and ridiculous. At the most, it is possible to recognise common elements that derive from the application of the laws of physics and mechanics. The roof of a building may look like a shell, for the shell is an amazing structure, the fruit of millions of years of evolution. That roof, however, is not a metaphor. A church is a church, a shell a shell. If the similarity remains, I would call it allusion rather than imitation.


i edited on 2002-03-28 09:30

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
5617 piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 5035 2002-03-27 13:02
2446 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 simonheming 30 2002-04-08 22:49
2518 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 8 2002-03-28 12:27
2451 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 734 2002-03-28 12:31
2511 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 101 2002-03-28 12:39
2431 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 26 2002-03-28 12:40
2464 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 130 2002-03-28 12:44
2428 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 4 2002-03-28 12:46
2421 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 5 2002-03-28 12:48
2449 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 426 2002-03-28 13:02
2437 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 36 2002-03-28 13:05
2427 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 401 2002-03-28 13:15
2431 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 171 2002-04-09 10:45
2422 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 282 2002-03-30 20:55
2417 Re: Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 rush 126 2002-03-30 21:00
2434 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 80 2002-03-30 20:59
2424 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 36 2002-03-30 21:04
2414 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 143 2002-04-05 20:46
2418 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 654 2002-04-05 21:07
2424 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 129 2002-04-05 21:09
2418 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 137 2002-04-05 21:10
2413 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 195 2002-04-05 21:12
2408 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 143 2002-04-05 21:59
2412 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 24 2002-04-05 22:01
2443 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 kenshinliu 17 2002-03-28 01:02
2405 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 静安小蜡笔 46 2002-04-05 22:02
2438 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 uwm 176 2002-04-07 11:27
2433 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 remkoolhaas 92 2002-03-28 02:08
2429 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 980 2002-03-28 09:59
2462 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 60 2002-03-28 12:09
2467 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 409 2002-03-28 12:14
2444 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 246 2002-03-28 12:17
2458 Re: piano的话——空间,材料,城市中心,文脉,自然 i 156 2002-03-28 12:25


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