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Uniformity & Variability:Essay in the philosophy of matter   [精华]

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hi 矛石,
Delanda, M., "Uniformity & Variability:An essay in the philosophy of matter" I read this essay about 1.5 yrs ago. Think its relevant to your study, so I dug it up again.Hope its useful for you. Pardon I have to write in English.

M. Delanda wrote a number of papers on matter, material and materiality, but this particular essay in 1996 succintly demonstrates the difference in matter, material and materiality.

Quoting Cyril Stanley Smith, a metallurgist and an expert in the history of materials, Delanda brought out the difference between matter - associated with metaphysics, and material- associated with craftsmen/smiths/engineers. The former relates to a quest for uniformity, stability, predictable behaviour with the 1900s industralization/mass production as background. The latter relates to complexity, heterogenity i.e. material that is moulded according to its changeability and instability,a hands-on knowledge cultivated within craftsmen/metalsmiths.

I think the text will be able to clear some of your doubts. There's alot that can be mined from this essay.
One - Uniformity, stability, predictable behaviour- this holds an impt link to the "truth of material".
Two -Deland's unique interpretation of materiality : matter-in flux, in variation. i.e. material that moves towards thermodynamical equilibrium and effected differently under differing conditions.

There are many other openings. enjoy reading.

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12384 ‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 282 2005-03-15 11:30
37 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2602 2005-03-15 11:34
28 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 880 2005-03-19 22:07
30 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 1260 2005-03-19 22:08
28 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 268 2005-03-19 22:08
38 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 563 2005-03-19 22:09
27 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 638 2005-03-19 22:10
27 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 39 2005-03-19 22:12
46 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ archu 55 2005-03-20 03:18
45 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ archu 3336 2005-03-20 04:36
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 912 2005-03-21 00:50
21 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ dynamic 37 2005-03-21 10:45
41 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 6601 2005-03-15 11:31
18 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 141 2005-03-21 13:26
24 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 840 2005-03-21 14:23
94 宾大有一博士叫TONKAO PANIN的 Nomad 156 2005-03-22 11:49
28 Re:宾大有一博士叫TONKAO PANIN的 矛石 187 2005-03-22 16:10
43 Re:宾大有一博士叫TONKAO PANIN的 Nomad 211 2005-03-22 18:10
40 Re:宾大有一博士叫TONKAO PANIN的 矛石 144 2005-03-23 11:06
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 99 2005-03-21 21:48
22 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ dynamic 163 2005-03-22 10:00
16 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 114 2005-03-22 16:13
32 Uniformity & Variability:Essay in the philosophy of matter vector 1508 2005-03-22 01:39
26 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 1378 2005-04-05 22:30
22 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 986 2005-03-23 16:59
26 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 1249 2005-03-23 17:14
20 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 181 2005-07-15 12:52
50 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ Nomad 121 2005-07-15 13:43
20 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 573 2005-03-25 20:15
17 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 86 2005-03-31 16:41
33 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2270 2005-03-31 16:43
22 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 885 2005-03-15 11:32
28 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2270 2005-03-31 16:44
21 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2120 2005-04-05 22:31
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 846 2005-04-05 22:32
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 1342 2005-04-05 22:29
21 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2155 2005-04-05 22:28
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 49 2005-07-16 10:17
17 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 30 2005-07-18 02:08
30 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 512 2005-07-18 02:35
72 Wigley一书 Nomad 519 2005-07-18 08:57
38 Re:Wigley一书 矛石 1767 2005-07-19 00:28
38 Re:Wigley一书 矛石 2064 2005-07-19 00:41
32 Re:Wigley一书 矛石 1356 2005-07-19 11:47
22 Re:Wigley一书 矛石 626 2005-07-21 15:04
18 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 44 2005-07-19 00:45
22 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 1443 2005-07-19 13:59
22 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 785 2005-03-15 11:35
23 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 416 2005-07-19 15:50
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 启越 465 2005-07-19 23:28
26 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 72 2005-03-15 11:37
58 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2065 2005-03-15 11:52
23 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 2108 2005-03-16 19:21
16 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 111 2005-03-17 15:42
31 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ canonrevival 164 2005-03-18 02:45
19 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ truth 111 2005-03-18 10:47
25 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 381 2005-03-18 11:56
41 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 独钓寒江雪 874 2005-03-18 22:57
19 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 86 2005-03-19 22:02
30 Re:‘Truth to material’ vs ‘The principle of cladding’ 矛石 383 2005-03-19 22:06


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