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Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义   [精华]

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2005-08-05 10:18 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
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在网上搜索到另一版本的Between the Lines :

Between the Lines

The Jewish Museum

By Daniel Libeskind

The discussion concerning a Jewish Museum in Berlin unfolded over almost a quarter of a
century. Many eminent Holocaust survivors and experts from different fields discussed this issue,
focusing on implications of building a Jewish Museum in Berlin. The conclusions reached were
formulated in a brief for the competition held in 1988-1989.

When I was invited by the Berlin Senate in 1988 to participate in this competition, I felt that the
program was not one I had to research and that the building was not one I had to invent; rather
it was one to which I was connected from the beginning, having lost most of my family in the
Holocaust, and having been born only a few hundred kilometers east of Berlin , in Lodz, Poland.

Three basic ideas formed the foundation for the Jewish Museum design: first, the impossibility of
understanding the history of Berlin without understanding the enormous intellectual, economic
and cultural contribution made by its Jewish citizens; second the necessity to integrate the
meaning of the Holocaust, both physically and spiritually, into the consciousness and memory of
the city of Berlin; third, that only through acknowledging and incorporating this erasure and
void of Berlin's Jewish life can the history of Berlin and Europe have a human future.

The official name of the project is "Jewish Museum", but I have chosen to call it "Between the
lines." I call it that because it is a project about two lines of thinking and organization, and
about relationship. One is a straight line, but broken into many fragments; the other is a
tortuous line but continuing indefinitely.

The site is the new-old center of Berlin on Lindenstrasse, next to the distinguished
Kollegienhaus, the former Baroqe Prussian courthouse. As a counterpart to this actual, visible
site, I felt that there was an invisible matrix of connections - a set of relations between German
and Jewish figures. Even though the competition was held before the wall came down, I felt that
the one binding feature crossing the East-West divide was the relationship of Germans to Jews.
Certain people, ordinary workers, writers, composers, artists, scientists, and poets formed the link
between Jewish traditions and German culture. I found this connection, and from their Berlin
addresses I plotted an irrational matrix that would yield a reference to the emblematics of a
compressed and distorted star: the yellow star so frequently worn on this very site. This is the
first aspect of the project.

I was always interested in the music of Sch.nberg, and in particular that of his period in Berlin.
His greatest work, the opera "Moses and Aron," remained unfinished: for an imported structural
reason, the logic of the libretto could not be completed by the musical score. At the end of the
opera, Moses does not sing. Rather, he simply declares "o word, thou word," addressing the
absence; one can understand the opera as a "text," since when there is no more singing, the
missing word uttered by Moses, the call for the Work, the call for the Deed, is understood clearly.
I sought to complete Sch.nberg's opera achitecturally, and that is the second aspect of this

The project's third aspect is my interest in the names of those persons who were deported from
Berlin during the fatal years of the Holocaust. I requested and received from Bonn two very large
volumes, together called the "Gedenkbuch." They are extremely impressive because all they
contain are names: just lists and lists of names, dates of birth, dates of deportion, and presumed
places where those named were murdered. I looked for the names of Berliners, and where they
had died - in Riga, in the Lodz ghetto, in the concentration camps.

The fourth aspect of the project is formed by Walter Benjamin's "One Way Street." This aspect is
incorporated into the continuous sequence of 60 sections along the zig-zag, each of which
represents one of the "Stations of the Star" described in Walter Benjamin's text.

To summarise this four-fold structure: Its first aspect is the invisible, and irrationally connected
star that shines with an absent light stemming from specific locations. Its second is the cut-off of
act 2 of "Moses and Aron" that culminates in the non-musical fulfilment of the word. Its third is
the ever-present dimension of the deported and missing Berliners. Its fourth is Walter Benjamin's
urban apocalypse along the "One Way Street."

To turn to specifics: the building measures more than 10,000 square meters. The entrance is
through the Baroque Old Building, and then by stair into a dramatic entry-Void that descends
beneath the existing building foundations, criss-crosses underground, and materializes as an
independent building on the outside. The existing building is tied to the extention underground,
preserving the contradictory autonomy of both the old building and the new building on the
surface, while binding the two together in depth of time and space.

There are three underground "roads" that programmatically have three seperate stories. The first
and longest road leads to the main stairs, to the continuation of Berlin's history, to the
exhibition spaces in the Jewish Museum. The second road leads outdoors to the E.T.A. Hoffmann
Garden and represents the exile and emigration of Jews from Germany. The third road leads to a
dead end - the Holocaust Void.

Cutting through the form of the Jewish Museum is a Void, a straight line whose impenetrability
forms the central focus around which the exhibitions are organized. In order to cross from one
museum-space to the other, the visitors traverse sixty bridges opening into the Void-space: the
embodiment of absence.

The work is conceived as a museum for all Berliners, and for all citizens of the world, not only
those presently living, but those of the future as well, who may find their heritage and hope in
this particular place. With its special emphasis on the Jewish dimension of Berlin's history, this
building gives voice to a common fate, to the contradictions of the ordered and disordered, the
chosen and not chosen, the vocal and the silent.

I believe that my project links architecture to questions now relevant for all humanity. To this
end , I have sought to create a new architecture for a time marked by an understanding of
history, a new understanding of museums, and a new sense of the relationship between program
and architectural space. Therefore this museum is not only a response to a particular program,
but an emblem of hope.

Berlin, November 1998

archu edited on 2005-08-05 10:30

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
44330 李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 2662 2005-07-28 21:31
59 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 294 2005-08-05 04:46
48 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 342 2005-08-05 17:16
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 73 2005-08-10 10:30
47 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 239 2005-08-10 07:13
42 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 154 2005-08-10 08:06
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 485 2005-08-17 16:00
37 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 430 2005-08-17 20:22
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 657 2005-08-18 16:24
46 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 536 2005-08-19 05:16
38 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 399 2005-08-19 17:15
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 659 2005-08-20 01:57
68 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 370 2005-08-20 05:05
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 1064 2005-08-22 19:35
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 177 2005-08-23 09:15
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 972 2005-08-19 07:30
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 760 2005-08-19 17:32
44 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 202 2005-08-20 06:39
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 246 2005-08-22 19:46
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 280 2005-08-20 14:06
43 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 477 2005-08-24 07:22
62 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 268 2005-08-24 08:13
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 300 2005-08-19 20:47
44 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 669 2005-08-20 07:49
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 600 2005-08-21 08:44
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 849 2005-08-22 19:41
38 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 525 2005-08-20 13:42
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 158 2005-08-17 20:47
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 372 2005-08-17 20:04
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 413 2005-08-09 22:20
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Nouveau 121 2005-08-05 11:58
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 8300 2005-08-05 12:23
38 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 2556 2005-08-05 10:20
49 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 xinpqh 4 2005-08-09 10:57
42 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 592 2005-08-08 18:28
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 123 2005-08-09 10:41
37 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 868 2005-08-08 20:20
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 129 2005-08-09 10:47
54 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 544 2005-08-08 20:36
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 222 2005-08-09 10:59
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 68 2005-08-03 07:55
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 577 2005-08-03 12:54
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 292 2005-08-04 01:25
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 126 2005-08-04 02:00
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 110 2005-08-04 14:36
50 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Nouveau 1108 2005-08-04 01:38
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 122 2005-08-04 02:09
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 313 2005-08-08 23:00
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 232 2005-08-08 14:22
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 283 2005-08-10 11:31
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 351 2005-08-10 19:06
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 静雨轩 103 2005-08-01 16:59
79 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 atum 202 2005-08-01 12:42
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 先生 15 2005-08-09 11:10
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 103 2005-07-30 14:41
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 241 2005-07-30 21:18
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 canonrevival 148 2005-07-30 17:50
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 72 2005-07-31 08:25
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 b2s 98 2005-08-02 13:57
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 cooparch 160 2005-08-03 01:34
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 1518 2005-08-03 16:49
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 513 2005-08-03 20:30
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 316 2005-08-04 06:50
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 121 2005-08-04 17:53
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Nouveau 192 2005-08-04 18:59
49 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 236 2005-08-04 21:16
66 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Nomad 685 2005-08-04 15:14
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 708 2005-08-03 22:18
38 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 452 2005-08-05 15:57
44 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 2283 2005-08-02 16:16
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 101 2005-08-02 20:04
45 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 214 2005-08-02 23:47
49 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 yeti696 355 2005-08-15 16:18
23 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 1521 2005-08-03 05:21
43 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 887 2005-08-03 06:46
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 1884 2005-08-03 13:28
71 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 4815 2005-08-04 06:22
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 149 2005-08-05 16:09
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 119 2005-08-05 16:24
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 12 2005-08-04 19:25
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 274 2005-08-07 03:42
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 1943 2005-08-08 05:56
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 889 2005-08-09 09:54
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 388 2005-08-09 18:53
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 145 2005-08-10 11:01
37 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 101 2005-08-10 19:10
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 493 2005-08-09 20:40
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 779 2005-08-09 20:09
48 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 number970593 410 2005-08-12 19:21
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 370 2005-08-09 19:21
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 511 2005-08-09 16:53
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 146 2005-08-08 06:15
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 1625 2005-08-08 06:20
46 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 289 2005-08-07 18:21
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 100 2005-08-07 18:58
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 303 2005-08-07 05:17
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 92 2005-08-07 05:56
58 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 666 2005-08-07 18:10
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 875 2005-08-07 18:58
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 699 2005-08-09 09:41
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 561 2005-08-09 19:09
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 217 2005-07-30 14:30
108 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 196 2005-08-02 08:39
23 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 317 2005-08-01 12:22
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 ciel 101 2005-07-30 17:00
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 150 2005-08-02 20:14
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 9 2005-08-05 15:37
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 78 2005-08-07 19:26
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 560 2005-08-07 21:38
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 474 2005-08-09 10:25
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 519 2005-08-09 19:17
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 413 2005-08-09 22:52
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 235 2005-08-21 05:47
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 340 2005-08-09 18:45
20 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 423 2005-08-09 20:05
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 319 2005-08-09 20:58
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 463 2005-08-09 23:11
48 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 248 2005-08-10 04:21
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 549 2005-08-08 03:31
38 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 165 2005-08-08 06:00
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 279 2005-08-08 07:07
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 小设郎 113 2005-08-08 12:49
88 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 6815 2005-08-05 10:18
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 92 2005-08-01 09:58
32 Re:说的有道理! ynqjyzd 32 2005-08-06 01:32
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 54 2005-08-09 23:34
57 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 hky723 361 2005-07-30 11:59
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 青青李子 2 2005-08-07 21:00
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 195 2005-08-04 02:31
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 2311 2005-08-04 03:45
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 181 2005-08-04 05:43
53 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 number970593 105 2005-08-04 15:23
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 209 2005-08-05 04:31
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 59 2005-08-04 01:28
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 51 2005-08-04 01:52
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 115 2005-08-04 14:23
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 214 2005-08-05 04:15
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 archu 163 2005-08-05 09:40
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 477 2005-08-06 01:09
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 独钓寒江雪 646 2005-08-06 02:45
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 198 2005-08-06 05:17
40 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 100 2005-08-06 18:41
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 cooparch 42 2005-07-31 01:48
47 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 bookish 87 2005-07-31 03:21
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 807 2005-08-05 16:28
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 1018 2005-08-05 17:21
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 lbg 80 2005-08-02 11:34
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 5 2005-07-30 07:57
45 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 726 2005-07-29 00:30
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 994 2005-07-29 00:35
20 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 夯土墙 419 2005-07-31 15:28
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 142 2005-08-08 23:15
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 yukile 51 2005-09-07 20:08
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 number970593 75 2005-07-29 20:29
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 147 2005-07-30 00:40
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 137 2005-07-29 09:31
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 350 2005-07-30 00:45
22 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 403 2005-07-30 07:58
70 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 canonrevival 464 2005-07-29 14:39
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 602 2005-08-10 20:04
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 491 2005-08-10 20:15
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 云海玉弓缘 25 2005-08-11 08:22
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 62 2005-08-11 09:29
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 静雨轩 45 2005-08-12 00:00
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 风中的蜡烛 98 2005-08-12 17:42
24 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 167 2005-08-12 12:58
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 870 2005-08-12 15:33
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 龍仕 29 2005-08-16 03:03
45 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 5413 2005-08-16 14:22
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 33 2005-07-30 14:56
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 117 2005-07-31 08:23
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 166 2005-08-17 21:02
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 1183 2005-08-18 00:06
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 1488 2005-08-18 01:23
46 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 number970593 326 2005-08-18 11:56
21 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 166 2005-08-19 09:58
25 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 163 2005-08-18 16:28
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 静雨轩 1142 2005-08-18 07:16
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 176 2005-08-18 11:02
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 156 2005-08-18 12:33
32 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 413 2005-08-18 07:29
30 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 559 2005-08-18 10:52
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 avon 4297 2005-08-18 13:15
50 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 number970593 187 2005-08-18 14:46
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 141 2005-08-18 19:35
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 399 2005-08-19 01:46
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 182 2005-08-19 09:53
46 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 Auster28 994 2005-08-19 05:56
46 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 wjreran 11 2005-08-19 17:50
39 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 nevermind 275 2005-08-21 17:27
31 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 疯狂的几何 14 2005-08-23 09:57
18 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 98 2005-08-23 12:44
74 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 倪静喻萍萍 60 2005-08-23 14:31
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 掌门人 110 2005-08-24 07:28
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 50 2005-08-24 08:26
18 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 拔刀斋 18 2005-08-24 13:26
66 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 jjoss911 47 2005-08-30 16:22
47 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 willgoon 76 2005-08-02 10:58
26 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 建在海上 2780 2005-08-30 17:43
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 blueredtear 19 2005-08-31 23:04
47 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 wuyong78 151 2005-09-02 23:55
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 denzhuoming 50 2005-09-06 11:32
34 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 启越 2656 2005-09-06 22:24
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 去吧 127 2005-09-08 16:42
23 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 34 2005-09-10 14:56
29 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 106 2005-09-10 20:27
36 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 185 2005-09-10 23:13
28 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 c31cn 281 2005-09-11 02:32
19 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 out3dmax 9 2005-09-11 03:27
63 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 朝夕之旅 82 2005-08-03 00:56
33 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 鲁班门12304 178 2005-08-06 11:35
35 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dynamic 1025 2005-07-30 00:50
27 Re:李博斯金德论建筑几篇——极具现实意义 dqu 121 2005-07-30 21:39


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