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回复: bath?还是oxford brookes?   [精华]

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2003-01-15 21:19 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 ice 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
我的本科是学建筑学的,现在我拿到了NEWCASTLE的OFFER——MA IN PLANNING STUDIES,以及SHEFFIELD的——MARCH(但是只是EMAIL,他说正式的通知才发出),我想请问您,这两个学校比较起来如何?恩,我还申请了NOTTINGHAM,但是还没有得到OFFER,这三个学校中,NEWCASTLE是最早给我通知的,但是听说那个地方会有苏格兰口音,而且很偏,不过我个人到是想在研究生的阶段学学规划,我应该选择哪个学校呢?进了学校以后我还可以换专业吗?

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
10403 bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 2108 2001-06-04 23:46
2833 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 150 2001-06-05 20:18
2791 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 413 2001-06-14 23:36
2767 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? jackie 179 2001-06-15 08:56
2816 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 2041 2001-07-17 10:15
2758 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 102 2001-06-16 22:46
2758 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 1967 2001-06-18 08:34
2729 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? ericwong 43 2001-06-18 22:07
2757 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 944 2001-06-22 07:50
2721 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 457 2001-06-27 23:19
2727 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1337 2001-06-29 02:22
2758 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 2752 2001-06-29 07:11
2695 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 58 2001-06-05 20:40
2713 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 777 2001-06-29 18:38
2718 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 188 2001-06-29 23:23
2703 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 2231 2001-06-30 01:48
2728 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 1694 2001-06-30 04:21
2686 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 141 2001-07-03 01:41
2704 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1400 2001-07-02 07:18
2720 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 439 2001-07-02 23:52
2706 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 698 2001-07-03 04:50
2684 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 475 2001-07-04 23:23
2691 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1263 2001-07-09 17:41
2718 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? jackie 25 2001-06-05 21:02
2756 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 2768 2001-07-11 03:59
2679 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 430 2001-07-13 02:21
2691 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1488 2001-07-15 16:02
2712 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 掌门人 2795 2001-07-15 18:01
2704 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? wsj0311 452 2001-07-15 22:27
2690 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 748 2001-07-15 23:32
2688 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 风中蚁 70 2001-07-23 01:25
2714 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 140 2001-07-25 03:26
2703 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? G21studio 104 2003-01-16 00:59
2715 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? ice 495 2003-01-15 21:19
2690 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 130 2001-06-05 21:34
2700 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? ice 149 2003-01-16 11:18
2683 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? 静心以观 109 2003-01-16 12:03
2684 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? G21studio 46 2003-01-16 16:37
2684 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? ice 59 2003-01-16 20:56
2685 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? G21studio 6 2003-01-16 22:22
2684 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? zhouyiarch 378 2003-02-11 10:20
2697 回复: bath?还是oxford brookes? tingting 1106 2003-02-11 20:15
1069 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? jackie 12 2003-05-19 08:24
1030 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 小一 12 2003-05-19 18:13
970 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 小南瓜巫婆 20 2003-05-24 13:12
934 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 小一 95 2003-05-24 20:16
4209 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? Nomad 849 2001-06-05 21:42
932 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? Hokkido 7 2003-05-25 05:19
745 大家好,能不能 提供 更多 有关规划的 消息! 孤注一掷 151 2003-09-25 00:07
688 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 孤注一掷 78 2003-09-26 17:08
662 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 孤注一掷 52 2003-09-26 17:13
482 Re:bath?还是oxford brookes? 孤注一掷 11 2003-11-04 15:24
2706 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1380 2001-06-06 02:14
2742 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? zeze 1631 2001-06-11 13:59
2696 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? janefengren 264 2001-06-11 20:48
2693 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? 蠢蠢31415926 1168 2001-06-14 23:24
117 Re: bath?还是oxford brookes? tclam 217 2004-03-04 21:33


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