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Stan Allen-Introduction: practicevs. project
I must say that what interests me more is to focus on whatthe Greeks called techne, that is to say, a practical ratio-nality governed bya conscious goal ... if one wanted to do a history of archi-tecture, I thinkthat it should be much more along the lines of that general history of thetechne, rather than the histories of either the exact sciences or the inexactones.
-Michel Foucault
Art and architecture are practices, not sciences. Theconstructions of science aspire to universal application. Pictures andbuildings need only work where they are.
-Dave Hickey

o 建筑不是科学,而是技艺和实践。

Contingencies 可能性
Architecture is a discipline of circumstance and situation,subject not only to material constraints{limits of form and medium that change only incrementallyover time) but also to functional imperativesthat differ radically from building to building. These variables are governedby complex political, social, and his-torical dynamics, and open to continualrevision. Almost unique among creative disciplines, architecture's objective isgiven from outside. Even in the most ideal of careers, the decisive limits to building programs will bedetermined by agen-cies beyond the control of the individual architect.Moreover, architects today practice far from home, and each new site presentsunfamiliar conditions. As cre-ative subjects, architects react to thesedemands, inventing in response to the occasionof the commission, specifying and particularizinga given set of abstract variables. The practice of architecture tends to bemessy and inconsistent pre-cisely because it has to negotiate a reality that isitself messy and inconsistent.

o 建筑学是关于情况和条件的学科,不只有材料的限制(形式和媒介只随着时间的改变而改变),还有功能的限制,这个限制随着建筑的不同大不相同。

o 建筑设计的许多限制是由超出建筑师能够控制的其他“中介”决定的。

o 建筑本身的复杂和无常是因为建筑往往是与复杂和无常的现实世界协商的结果。

o 观点:建筑是与特定情况和条件有关的科目,建筑师只是回应这些情况和条件的一部分,这些情况和条件在现实世界中就是混乱和自相矛盾的。

This lack of consistency is only partiallyoffset by the tendency of conven-tional practice to repeat knownsolutions. Too often, contemporary practice oscillatesbetween mechanical repetition and shallow novelty. Against this land-scape ofcontingency, architectural theory has been called upon to serve a unifyingfunction. Without a larger ideological framework, it is argued, the architectruns the risk of reacting passively to themultiple and often contradic-tory demands of context, clients, regulatingagencies, media, or economics. Architecture apparently needs a grand narrativein order not to be entirely con-sumed by these small narratives of opportunityand constraint.

o 这种混乱和矛盾只是部分地被对传统实践所解决,这种传统实践只是重复已知的答案。大部分时候,现在的实践只是在技术的重复和简单新奇概念间摇摆。这有驳很多可能性的显示情况。

o 没有一个合适的方法,建筑师很有可能无法积极处理多样性与相互矛盾的基地需求,客户,规范和经济状况。

o 为了不被这些细小琐碎的机会和限制所消耗,建筑师显然需要更宏大的管理方式。

o 观点:展开解释提出的问题。现在很多设计无非是在重复技艺和新奇的想法的混合,无法对混乱和自相矛盾的情况作出积极的应对。提示了接决方法,建筑师需要更庞大的叙事结构,以将这些细小的情节梳理、编排和管控。

In order to legitimate its repetitive procedures, practiceappeals to a project. An overarching theoretical construct, defined fromsomeplace else, and expressed in a language other than practice's everydaydiscourse. Situated at a distance from the operational sites of technique,theory stakes a claim on a world of concepts uncontaminatedby real world contingencies. The appearance of the architectural treatise inthe Renaissance, for example, where normative codes were for the first time inthe postclassical era set down in written form, marked a shift from the "ambulant science"of the medieval builder to the reg-ulatedculture of the "royal sciences." Aplace for abstract thought about architecture, governed by the codes andconventions of discourse, was delineated apart from the building site. Morerecendy, theories of typology, tectonics, or historical precedent have beenproposed as a means to regulate architecture's prolific heterogeneity.Theory's promise is to make up for what practice lacks: to confer unity on thedisparate procedures of design and construction.

o 解释1:为了可以重复,就有了法规。统一制定的规范则将不同基地,不同的情况和条件的可能性统统抹杀。

The invention of theory and the codificationof architecture as a discipline went hand in hand. For a Renaissance theoristsuch as Leon Battista Alberti, the production of theory had a concrete politicalend: to incorporate architecture into the circumscribedbody of the liberal arts. This couldonly be accomplished by differentiating architecture from journeyman craft,extending the domain of the royal sciences to architecture. For this codificationto be effective, it was nec-essary to institute an opposition between thespeculative and practical aspects of the arts. As Michel de Certeau hasobserved: "Art is thus a kind of knowledge that operates outside the enlightened discourse it lacks: The need for something called theory arisesfrom the desire to think the discipline in more abstract terms. A separatespace for theory is defined, in order to reflect on the nature of thediscipline at a distance, while the possibility ofcumulative or incremental change from within is held in check. Theoryand practice are, under this for-mulation, equally rule-bound: theory devotedto the production of rules, practice relegated to the implementation of those samerules. What the royal sci-ences provide to the arts are "constructed,regulated and thus 'writable"' systems: organized from without on thebasis of that which they themselves lack. The enlightened discourse of theory(scientific, and generalizable) is contrasted to the mechanical techniques ofpractice. Today this view persists in the form of a mandate for criticalpractices that would hold the individual instances of prac-tice accountable toideological criteria.

o 这些规范和制度将建筑变成了受到制约的自由艺术。

o 理论和实践是相同的准则,理论致力于产生规则,实践在下一级的层面,实施这些规则。

o 理论的启发性论述(特定性和普适性)与实践中的技术方法相矛盾。

o 现在重要的项目中应该支持考虑实践中的个别情况,从而产生更合理的评判准则。

o 解释2:规范本身需要普世性和系统性,这与建筑实践所面临的具体条件和情况相矛盾。在理念上应该更多的考虑个体案例的具体情况。

Today's conventional view (prevalent, for example, inschools of architec-ture) understands theory as an abstraction:a set of ideas and concepts independent of any particular materialinstance. Practice, in turn is understood as the object of theory. In thisview, theory tends to envelope and protect prac-tice, while practice excusestheory from the obligation to engage reality. Design is reduced to theimplementation of rules set down elsewhere. Ironically, the sep-aration thatresults is not dissimilar from the verystructure of conventional practice supposedly challenged by theory.Conventional practice renounces the-ory, butin so doing, it simply reiterates unstatedtheoretical assumptions. It works according to a series of enabling codes,which have been defined without reference to individual practice. These codes aremodified in response to cir-cumstance, but never challenged inpractice. Theory imposes regulated ideological criteria overthe undisciplined heterogeneity of the real,while the unstated assumptions of conventional practice enforce knownsolutions and safe repetitions. In both cases, small differences accumulate,but they never add up to make a difference.

o 现在普遍观念(学院派建筑)认为理论是抽象的一系列想法和概念,与任何特定的实际情况无关。而对实践的理解则完全相反。

o 实践渐渐的不再考虑其他的情况,只是遵守规范,而这些规范的指定完全不考虑个体的情况。

o 规范高于现实中的差异性,多样性。同时传统的建筑实践强制执行已知的解决方案和低风险的重复。这样只会有微小的差异,却没有创新之处。


DUMB PRACTICE:buildingas a subset/resultant of professional codes and conventions, which arecontinually deformed to accommodate contingency: a closed figure.



littleyaoxi510 edited on 2017-12-29 07:39

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2458 留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 3421 2017-12-26 09:57
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