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Mapping is a fantastic cultural project, creating andbuilding the world as much as measuring and describing it. Long affiliated with the planning and design of cities,landscapes and buildings, mapping is particularly instrumental in theconstruing and constructing of lived space. In this active sense, the functionof mapping is less to mirror reality than to engender there-shaping of the worlds in which people live. While there are countlessexamples of authoritarian, simplistic, erroneous andcoercive acts of mapping, with reductive effects upon both individualsand environments, ( focus in this essay upon more optimistic revisions ofmapping practices.1 These revisions situate mapping as a collective enablingenterprise,a project that both reveals and realizes hidden poten- tial. Hence,in describing the 'agency ' of mapping, I do not mean to invoke agendas ofimperialist technocracy and control but rather to suggest ways in which mappingacts may emamcipate potentials, enrich experiences and diversify worlds. Wehave been adequately cautioned about mapping as a means of projectingpower-knowledge, but what about mapping as a productive and liberatinginstrument, a world-enriching agent, especially in the design and planningarts?

o 地图的绘制是城市,景观,建筑规划与设计的重要部分。
o 地图绘制的作用不仅是对真实世界的镜像,更重要的是重塑人们居住的空间。

o 观点:地图绘制的作用是激发潜力,增加体验和丰富世界。在规划和设计中,我们应该认识到地图的有效性和丰富性。

As a creative practice, mapping precipitates its mostproductive effects through a finding that is also a founding; its agency liesin neither reproduction nor imposition but rather in uncovering realitiespreviously unseen or unimagined, even across seemingly exhausted grounds. Thus,mapping unfolds potential; it re-makes territory over and over again, each timewith new and diverse consequences. Not all maps accomplish this, however; somesimply reproduce what is already known. These are more 'tracings' than maps,delineating patterns but revealing nothing new. In describing and advocatingmore open-ended forms of creativity, philoso-phers Gilles Deleuze and FelixGuattari declare: 'Make a map not a tracing!' They continue:

What distinguishes the map from the tracing is that it is entirelyoriented toward an experimentafion in contact with the real. The map does notreproduce an unconscious closed in upon itself; it constructs the unconscious.It fosters connections between fields, the removal of blockages on bodieswithout organs, the maximum opening of bodies without organs onto a plane ofconsistency ...The map has to do with performance, whereas the tracing alwaysinvolves an 'alleged competence'.
o 地图绘制的作用是寻找与建立,是发现无法看到的内容,因此地图可以展现潜力。
o 那些只是描摹已知内容的地图,并没有揭示新的内涵。
o 观点:给全文所指地图绘制定义,地图绘制应该是寻找新的内容,而不是对已知内容的重复。
o 地图绘制与描摹的区别是:地图绘制是与现实建立一个实验性的联系,地图促进和基地的联系。地图是表现而描摹总只是一个技能。

The distinction here is between mapping as equal to what is('tracing') and mapping as equal to what is and to what is not yet. In otherwords, the unfolding agency of mapping is most effective when its capacity fordescription also sets the conditions for new eideticand physical worlds to emerge. Unlike tracings, which propagate redundancies,mappings discover new worlds within past and present ones; they inaugurate new grounds upon the hidden traces of aliving context. The capacity to reformulate what already exists is theimportant step, And what already exists is more than just the physicalattributes of terrain (topography, rivers, roads, buildings) but includes alsothe various hidden forces that underlie theworkings of a given place. These include natural processes, such as wind andsun; historical events and local stories; economic and legislative conditions;even political interests, regulatory mechanisms and programmaticstructures.Through rendering visible multiple and sometimes disparate fieldconditions, mapping allows for an understanding of terrain as only the surfaceexpression of a complex and dynamic imbroglio of social and natural processes.In visualizing these interrelationships and inreracrions, mapping itselfparticipates in any future unfoldings. Thus, given the increased complexity andcontentiousness that surrounds landscape and urbanism today, creative advancesin mapping promise designers and planners greater efficacy in intervening in spatial and social processes. Avoidingthe failure of universalist approaches toward master-planning and theimposition of state-controlled schemes, the unfolding agency of mapping mayallow designers and planners not only to see certain possibilities in thecomplexity and contradiction of what already exists but also to actualize thatpotential. This instrumental function is particularly important in a worldwhere 'it is becoming increasingly difficult to both imagine and actually tocreate anything outside of the normative.

o 当地图为展现新的真实的物理世界所描述和建立状况时,最能展现地图的力量。
o 地图应该绘制和表达潜在作用力,包括自然过程,例如风和阳光;历史和当地的故事;经济和法令状况;甚至政治偏好;监管机制和功能结构。

o 通过对不可见的情况的绘制,地图使得纷繁复杂的社会和自然进程得以表达。
o 在当今景观与城市化所处的复杂背景中,有创造力和先进的地图绘制方式,使得设计师和规划师在空间和社会进程之间更有效的工作。

o 观点:面对越来越复杂和越来越难以想象的社会进程,建筑师和规划师应该重新理解地图绘制技术。用新的绘制技术,他们将会更有可能跳脱出规范和标准。

Mappings have agency because of the double-sidedcharacteristic of all maps. First, their surfaces are directly analogous to actual ground conditions; as horizontalplanes, they record the surface of the earth as direct impressions. As in thecasting of shadows, walks and sightings across land may be literally projectedonto paper through a geometrical graticule ofpoints and lines drawn by ruler and pen. Conversely, one can put one's fingeron a map and trace out aparticular route or itinerary,the map projecting a mental image into the spatial imagination. Because of thisdirectness, maps are taken to be 'true' and 'objective' measures of the world,and are accorded a kind of benign neutrality. Bycontrast, the other side of this analogouscharacteristic is the inevitable abstractness of maps, the result ofselection, omission, isolation, distance and codification. Map devices such asframe, scale, orientation, projection, indexing and naming reveal artificialgeographies that remain unavailable to human eyes. Maps present only oneversion of the earth's surface, an eidetic fiction constructed from factualobservation. As both analogue and abstraction, then the surface of the mapfunctions like an operating table, a staging ground or a rheatre of operations upon which the mapper collects,combines, connects, marks, masks, relates and generally explores. These surfacesare massive collection, sorting and transfer sites,great fields upon which real material conditions are isolated, indexed andplaced within an assortment of relational structures.


o 地图的两面性决定了地图绘制的力量。
o 首先,地图是对真实世界的反映,因此人们往往认为地图是客观和中立的。(相似性)
o 然而,地图的另一个属性却是抽象的,地图是选择,遗漏,孤立,距离和条件的结果。其实,地图仅仅表达地球外观的一个方面,是对真实世界观察的其中一个版本。(抽象性)

o 观点:因为地图的相似性和抽象性,地图的表达其实是大量信息的集合,是对场地的分类和翻译。

The analogous-abstract character of the map surface meansthat it is doubly projective: it both captures the projected elements off theground and projects back avariety of effects through use. The strategic use ofthis double function has, of course, a long alliance with the history of mapping,and not only militaristically (reconnaissances militaires) but alsoideologically. Surprisingly, however,the strategic, constitutive and inventive capacities of mapping are not widelyrecognized in the urban design and planning arts, even though cartography andplanning have enjoyed a long and mutually influenrial relationship since thefifteenth century. Throughout the twentieth century, mapping in design andplanning has been undertaken conventionally as a quantitative and analyticalsurvey of existing conditions made prior to the making of a new project. Thesesurvey maps are both spatial and statistical, inventorying a range of social,economic, ecological and aesthetic conditions. As expertly produced, measured representations,such maps are conventionally taken to be stable, accurate indisputable mirrorsof reality, providing the logical basis for future decision making as well as themeans for later projecting a designed plan back onto the ground, It isgenerally assumed that if the survey is quantitative, objective and rational,it is also true and neutral, thereby helping to legitimize and enact futureplans and decisions. Thus, mapping typically precedes planning because it isassumed that the map will objectively identify and make visible the termsaround which a planning project may then be rationally developed, evaluated andbuilt.

o 相似和抽象的特性意味着地图绘制的投射方式有双向性,它们都是从基地捕捉元素,通过用途不同而有不同的投射。这些投射策略贯穿地图绘制的历史,不仅与制作地图的材料历史有关,更与对地图的认识理念的转变有关。

o 然而,令人诧异的是,地图在规划和设计中的作用,并没有被设计师重视。
o 设计师依托地形图进行设计,并且认为这些对场地描绘的地图是客观,真实和中立的。

o 观点:传统上地图是怎么被看待和应用的。

What remains overlooked in this sequence, however, is thefact that maps are highly artificial and fallibleconstructions, virtual abstractions that possess great force in terms of howpeople see and act. One of the reasons for this oversight derives from aprevalent tendency to view maps in terms of what they represent rather thanwhat they do. As with art historical analyses of drawings and paintings,considerations of maps as a successive series of paradigmatic types andrepresentations overlook the durational experiences and effects of mapping.That mappings are constructed from a set of internal instruments, codes,techniques and conventions, and that the worlds they describe and projectderive only from those aspects of reality that are susceptible to thesetechniques, are dimensions of mapping still barely understood by thecontemporary planner. Instead, most designers and planners consider mapping arather unimaginative, analytical practice, at least compared to the presumed'inventiveness' of the designing activities that occur after all the relevantmaps have been made (often with the contents of the maps ignored or forgotten).An unfortunate consequence of these attitudes is that the various techniquesand procedures of mapping have not been subjects of inquiry, research orcriticism.lnstead, they have become codified, naturalized and taken for grantedas institutional conventions. Thus, critical experimentation with new and alternativeforms of mapping remains largely under-developed if not significantly repressed.The 'alleged competence' of the tracing effectively dominates the exploratoryinventiveness integral to acts of mapping.

o 一直被忽略的问题是地图是人造的和有错误的。在人怎么认识和绘制地图的方面,地图的视觉抽象化起决定因素。
o 产生这个错误理解的主要原因是人们关注地图表达了什么,而不是地图做了什么。
o 这一态度导致的不良结果是,多种多样地图绘制技术和过程,仍然没有受到质疑、调查和评论。

o 观点:利用新的和替代性的地图绘制方式的批判性的实验仍然处于发展阶段。描摹性的地图绘制方式仍然是主导。

This indifference towards mapping is particularly puzzlingwhen oneconsiders that the very basis upon which projects are imagined and realizedderives precisely from how maps are made.The conditions around which a projectdevelops originate with what is selected and prioritized in the map, what is subsequentlyleft aside or ignored, how the chosen material is schematized, indexed andframed, and how the synthesis of the graphic field invokes semantic, symbolicand instrumental content. Thus, the various cartographic procedures ofselection, schematization and synthesis make the map already a project in themaking. This is why mapping is never neutral, passive or without consequence;on the contrary, mapping is perhaps the most formative and creative act of anydesign process, first disclosing and then staging the conditions for theemergence of new realities.

In what follows, I discuss mapping as an active agent ofcultural intervention. Because my interests lie in the various processes andeffects of mapping, l am less concerned with what mapping means than with whatit actually does. Thus, I am less interested in maps as finished artifacts thanI am in mapping as a creative activity. It is in this participatory sense thatI believe new and speculative techniques of mapping may generate new practicesof creativity, practices that are expressed not in the invention of novel formbut in the productive reformulation of what is already given. By showing theworld in new ways, unexpected solutions and effects may emerge. However, giventhe importance of representational technique in the creative process, it issurprising that whilst there has been no shortage of new ideas and theories indesign and planning there has been so little advancement and invention of thosespecific tools and techniques -including mapping -that are so crucial for theeffecrive construal and construction of new worlds.

o 地图的绘制和产生,需要选择,系统化,图示化等,因此地图不可能中立,消极和没有结果。

o 观点:地图绘制阶段也许是设计过程中最有影响力和最有创新性的,为新的真实的涌现最先揭示和筹划条件。

o 总结观点:文章的重点在于地图绘制中多种多样的过程和效果,不关注地图表达的结果,认为地图是一个创造性的活动。新的和试探性的地图绘制方式可能会产生新的创造性。这种创造性不是创造新颖的造型,而是再造已给定的场地。通过从另一个角度看待世界,可能发现不可预知的设计结果。

o 文章观点:地图绘制是一个重要的重塑世界的工具。



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2457 留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 3421 2017-12-26 09:57
79 Re:留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 7945 2017-12-29 07:08
59 Re:留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 13272 2017-12-30 14:03
72 Re:留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 2878 2018-01-05 13:09
64 Re:留学建筑理论和研究入门 littleyaoxi510 8255 2018-01-08 11:32


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