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Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch)   [精华]

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2002-01-13 15:49 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 发送email给 sidekicker 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
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As long as I know, the Urban Planning or Landscape Architecture will have more opportunities to get full financial aid. The Architecture is the worst program upon this point comparing with those two.

For those Ivy League schools, if you never won any international prizes or under the recommentations of famous architects, or with strong support from their alumni, you will hardly get financial aid and even the admission.

If you think those sound named schools are the only destination you want to approach, you might can try a little bit more steps. Get to the US by some other infamous schools' financial aid,then try to transfer to the better schools. I saw a lot of students did this way in my department, although I feel a little uncomfortable about this certain kind of minor cheating thing.But in general, no matter how much more financial aid you could get, most of them will be still not enough to cover the whole expanse of your study. If you want to get a Master Degree from good schools, you still have to prepare a big money by yourself, which might include some extra fees like physical models, presentation printings, personal use computer equipments, etc. My average expanse of a project is around $250, which is much less than my american classmates did, and I used to spend $600 for my Senior Project. So any way, to be an architectural student, do not think of any chances to do some extra money-making jobs which is like the job in Chinese restaurant, you will never have time to do that, if you want to keep your study and really learn something from class. The TA position is always competitive, since there is much less RA position in Archtiecture field normally. Don't dream of you can win one of this position right after you get admission, base on our bad English Speaking ability. In general, Architect is an expansive profession even for the american students. Lot of my classmates are old guys, who join the Master program after working many years.

I think there are two ways you can learn American Architecture if you could go out from China. The one way is to get good school's education, another way is to learn the real architecture in the firm. Sometimes, I feel the later way is more important than the first stage, and is more practical in the fiancial aspect. Just like the difference between the education and professional works in China, the US has the same problem.Any famous architect has to work from drafting, and the fame come to their head will only be happened in 20 years' later since they graduate. So working with a talent architect will be incentive to your talent, and learn the true way to practice your master piece, not only let them stay on the paper or in your computer. For our chinese student, it might be easier to find a good firm to work with than to get into a famous school, which has much less quantity than the number of good firms. So I feel, I would like to be a low-paid employee to work with a master, rather than to be a self-suported student under the mentorship of a master in a good school. That is more practical.

BTW, since you guys would like to know some programs which have more chances get financial aid. I can mention my school here, the University of Arizona, not a sound name, but easy to get in. I graduated several years ago, but as far as I know,by our heritage, it almost has at least two Chinese students coming in every year by Tuition Waiver. The other schools which I heard of and had friends in are Ohio State, UIUC, University of Washington, and Texas A&M. Just for your references.

Ok, good luck to you guys.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
4080 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) zeban_c 24 2001-10-20 18:30
1514 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) October 26 2001-10-20 22:50
1507 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 大白菜 169 2001-10-24 11:52
1535 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) destine 311 2001-10-24 12:07
1512 Re: Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 大白菜 489 2001-10-26 09:31
1524 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) destine 32 2001-10-24 11:25
1505 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) daqla 32 2001-12-23 13:49
1508 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) sejima 150 2002-01-14 03:35
1574 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) sidekicker 3631 2002-01-13 15:49
1509 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 闻道 777 2002-01-15 09:29
1515 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) sidekicker 4087 2002-01-16 09:47
1544 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) sidekicker 3595 2002-01-16 16:13
1523 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 闻道 1137 2002-01-17 03:51
1515 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Hasan 124 2001-10-21 01:22
1495 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 大白菜 50 2002-01-17 07:39
1564 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) fanling 153 2001-10-21 21:13
1510 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Siren 34 2001-10-21 22:29
1526 Re: Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Hasan 260 2001-10-22 01:21
1498 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 大白菜 30 2001-10-22 04:06
1513 Re: Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Hasan 177 2001-10-22 15:11
1500 Re: Re: Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 大白菜 387 2001-10-24 00:01
1551 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) destine 14 2001-10-22 11:03
1527 Re: Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Hasan 145 2001-10-22 15:13
1494 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) radioactivity 49 2001-10-22 18:09
1500 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) 锡耶纳 115 2001-10-22 19:35
1495 Re: 请推荐几间美国的大学(M.Arch) Hasan 126 2001-10-23 04:16


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