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Re:美国建筑学硕士   [精华]

发贴: 209
2006-03-13 06:11 查看他的注册信息   查看他的Blog 给他发送悄悄话 引用并回帖 搜索他发表的帖子 复制到剪贴板. 
不过只适用于IE 收藏这篇帖子
arch_milan wrote:
但是请问unicorn大师,你所说的:之前的professional education很重要和
you also推荐后者,是否是矛盾的呢?

please don't call me "unicorn大师". It definitly make me uncomfortable. I just a common one as most people, except some more experiences.

the 3-3.5 M.Arch program is a professional education. and it is enough make you to be a very good architect.

by the way, it looks like there are only 27 universities have B.Arch program which can be seen as a Chinese professional education. But it compare with US, UK or other europe's program. I don't think it is really professional.
the program those out of the 27 by some means can been seen as waste time. because they have spend extra time to get their first professiona degree or get a quality to take the examination of license. but even that, they also could have a bright future, if they work hard for their aims.
the way to be a architect is really hard.
you should seriously think about your choice and do you really love to be a architect or just like architecture.

unicorn edited on 2006-03-13 09:28

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
17136 美国建筑学硕士 arch_milan 75 2006-03-12 00:27
106 Re:美国建筑学硕士 stavon 407 2006-03-12 04:34
72 Re:美国建筑学硕士 hoganchao 56 2006-11-27 20:27
61 Re:美国建筑学硕士 最爱面包圈 38 2007-04-15 13:38
49 Re:美国建筑学硕士 土木 77 2007-05-30 08:18
40 Re:美国建筑学硕士 如果可以翩然 152 2008-04-22 21:40
62 Re:美国建筑学硕士 败烬DD 52 2007-06-09 09:46
50 Re:美国建筑学硕士 urbanvillage 110 2008-04-22 22:39
55 Re:美国建筑学硕士 构思画图 76 2008-06-21 16:31
55 Re:美国建筑学硕士 arch_milan 189 2006-03-12 13:26
88 Re:美国建筑学硕士 unicorn 676 2006-03-12 14:05
60 Re:美国建筑学硕士 arch_milan 136 2006-03-12 16:44
75 Re:美国建筑学硕士 unicorn 1108 2006-03-13 06:11
49 Re:美国建筑学硕士 布丁甜点 83 2006-03-12 17:35
52 Re:美国建筑学硕士 hannitect 2474 2006-03-16 05:08
42 Re:美国建筑学硕士 arch_milan 157 2006-03-17 20:04
43 Re:美国建筑学硕士 lena1007 96 2006-03-28 01:14
33 Re:美国建筑学硕士 urbanvillage 305 2008-04-22 22:48
73 Re:美国建筑学硕士 kaun2 17 2006-03-28 01:28
55 Re:美国建筑学硕士 lena1007 143 2006-03-29 18:55
29 Re:美国建筑学硕士 urbanvillage 215 2008-04-22 22:44


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