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I think style is the wrong idea
——专访汉米敦专访Paul Rice先生

Paul Rice
Paul Rice先生,HMD设计总监
Paul Rice,英国籍,现任英国皇家建筑师学会会员,LEED认证专员。毕业于英国格拉斯大学建筑系,后在英国Bath大学获施工经济与管理硕士学位。
Paul Rice先生具有近二十年建筑及规划设计工作经验,曾在英国、新加坡、马来西亚、约旦、印度尼西亚等多个国家工作过,在城市设计、居住区规划、公共建筑、居住建筑设计等方面积累了丰富的经验,同时具备很强的项目协调与管理能力。

〓I think style is the wrong idea. Quality buildings exist from every era and culture,the ‘style’ of the building is not important it is the quality of the space that is of real importance. Style is a transient thing; if a building design is well conceived and built it will last beyond its era. To create something ‘stylish’ is important as it is a great opportunity to communicate and allow the building to have meaning for people but the actual style is not important.

〓The architecture of each place is wrapped up in the history and culture of the civilization. It is fascinatingto see how many traditional cultural concepts in China work with contemporary building design. Often these are in conflict. That presents great opportunities.

〓One of the primary functions of architecture is shelter. Buildings must first protect their occupants.

〓Appearance is of great importance,it creates presence and a dialogue with the city. However the appearance of a building cannot be the primary driver of the design. Buildings must first be functional and efficient. If the building then responds to its location and climate many of the ideas for ‘appearance’ can be made by rational decisions.

〓I believe all aspects of design are important; from the design of a ‘type font’ to the master-plan for a large complex. Everything that is manmade has been designed. There can be great enjoyment in the design of any object.

〓The projects I most enjoyable are where we have really been able to incorporate, ideas of sustainability into the design. However I believe sustainability has a much wider opportunities. I believe the projects that have realized some ideas of sustainability: socially,in material use as well as energy use have a much greater meaning.

〓HMD has key advantages; it is young multidisciplinary firm with enormous energy. The senior staff has a great depth of experience both internationally and in the local market,yet we are open to new ideas and ways of working. We have great ambition for the future.

〓Innovation is essential to drive a design firm forward. Each project should question as far as possible the assumptions of the site,the function and the brief. New materials and language give us the chance to build for our age,yet if design is not practical it will fail.

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