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水碓(瓷土制作体验馆) Mauricio Cardenas Laverde

水碓(瓷土制作体验馆) Mauricio Cardenas Laverde
Water Power of Trip-Hammer (Life Museum) Mauricio Cardenas Laverde
The project regards a container, a structure to protect the historic clay factory in all its parts (water tanks, trip-hammers, water mill, etc) and to allow the clay making process to continue without interferences. For this we propose two separate paths: one for the workers on the ground level and a separate path for the visitors at the street level. Visitors can walk through the spaces on a higher level looking from above the clay production and enjoying of the landscape at the same time. Main concern for us is to protect all the existing parts of the Water Power of Trip-Hammer for mixing Pottery Clay so that the traditional clay production factory keeps working as it is today.



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