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低耗能示范竹屋 Mauricio Cardenas Laverde

低耗能示范竹屋 Mauricio Cardenas Laverde
Eco Energy Efficient Experimental House Mauricio Cardenas Laverde
Our proposal explores the potentiality of minimize carbon emissions,
to maximize environmental protection and natural ecological development
through the use of the natural elements available at Baoxi area, such as sun, water, plants, wind and natural materials to achieve a high standard innovative house for the Chinese context. Bamboo, is a very special natural element present in Baoxi area which we will use as structure for the house as well as for the interiors. Ground water cooling, underground water is an interesting natural resource available on site. Use underground water in a very simple manner to create a cooling system and also use for toilets where non-drinking water is acceptable. Feng shui, to learn and apply the most significant concepts of this antique Chinese tradition to the house design.

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V2.0版始于:April 18,2000 川ICP证B2-20080009
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