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陶艺家工作坊 Keisuke Maeda

陶艺家工作坊 Keisuke Maeda
Invited Ceramist Workshop Keisuke Maeda
This time, for the design of the studio and dwelling of a ceramist, we propose the new architecture which adapts itself to the scenery of Baoxi in that people are living with rich and beautiful natural environment.
As overall planning, we designed that some clods which include a sitting-room and a studio function overlap in a 45m bamboo like the fan state, and they make space like the landscape of the bamboo grove of large connection. Moreover, the bamboo pipe covers the whole with arranging the about 50 bamboo in parallel irregularly and that serves as a membrane which secures internal and external relation, privacy, etc. We think that just the environment which resonates with natural evokes a ceramist.s creativity, and that it becomes sustainable structure in this background.

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