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2009-04-03 10:57:33

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艾瑞克·欧文·莫斯(Eric Owen Moss),生于1943年,毕业于美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校和哈佛大学建筑学院。他1972年从哈佛大学毕业后回到洛杉矶发展,任教于南加州建筑学院,并且于1976年设立自己的建筑设计事务所,地点选择在洛杉矶市中心和圣塔莫尼卡(Santa之间的科佛市。
——美国科佛市(Culver City)的艺术之塔
设计单位(设计者):艾瑞克·欧文·莫斯(Eric Owen Moss)
建设地点:美国加利福尼亚州科佛市(Culver City)

对于五个屏幕的放置,考虑了几个目标人群。首先是北边几个街区的圣莫尼卡高速路上的交通,它是洛杉矶最繁忙的高速路之一。其次,是La Cienega大道与Jefferson大道的交叉口,与地段相距几个街区,是城市中另一个繁忙的路口。第三个是项目旁边的Hayden与国家大道的转角,它同样也是一个有着交通灯的繁忙的东西向线路。最后,是一个就在地面之上的屏幕,它与另外四个不同,面向重新开发的地段。这个屏幕将被当地群众使用,他们可以坐在梯级式混凝土露天看台上,看台层层下降来到一个地下的部分,这里提供了一个可供讲演者和表演者们使用的舞台。
The Art Tower is an information tower, constructed at the corner of Hayden Avenue and National Boulevard. That intersection is the primary entry point into the re-developed zone of Culver City.
Conceptually, the tower has both introverted and extroverted planning objectives. Internally, the tower will symbolize the advent of this important new urban development, provide a changing art display for local viewing.
Externally, the tower makes displays culturally significant content and local event information, along with art and graphic presentations of all sorts available to in-car audiences who pass the site area, traveling on a number of local thoroughfares in the Culver City-West Los Angeles area.
All the buildings in the immediate area are governed by a 56 foot height limit. The Art Tower height is an important exception to the local height rule. The project will be 72 feet high.
The tower consists of five circular steel rings, approximately 30 feet in diameter. The rings are stacked vertically at 12 foot floor to floor intervals, and, as the height increases, the rings are staggered in plan, in order to establish proximity and viewing angles for various levels at various heights. Between each pair of staggered horizontal circular steel plains, the curving, conical projection screens are installed. Behind the screens, hung from the tower floors are a number of digital projectors, 12 in all, that will rear-project onto the translucent acrylic screens.
Inside the screens, steel decks are provided for viewers to look out at the city, and for a maintenance staff who will service the projectors and screens.
The Tower has a glazed elevator in an enclosed glass shaft, and an open stairway to the top, so the Tower will be used as a viewing platform to overlook the city, but its primary objective is to distribute art and other relevant content to the local and the in-transit audiences passing by.
There are several target audiences that account for the positioning of the five screens. First is the traffic on the Santa Monica Freeway, several blocks to the north, one of the most highly trafficked freeway routes in Los Angeles. Second, the intersection of La Cienega Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard, several blocks from the site, another of the highly trafficked intersections in the city. Third is the corner of Hayden and National itself, adjacent to the project, which is also a signaled, highly trafficked east-west route. Finally, there is one screen, just above grade level, that, unlike the other four, faces the re-development site. That screen will be used by local audiences, seated on the terraced concrete bleachers that step down to the below grade portion of the project where a stage for speakers and performers is provided.
The tower will be fabricated from standard structural steel sections – wide flange beams and columns, and channels – with panelized walls made of ½ inch thick steel plate. Because of earthquake design constraints, the tower will be supported on a deep foundation of concrete piles with a continuous grade beam tying the piles together.

有人曾经这样评论美国当代建筑师艾瑞克·欧文·莫斯的设计:他的作品绝大部分是对现代世界、及其进程的一个社会性、政治性的评论( the majority of this work is a social –political commentary on the world and its processes)。
莫斯的大部分作品都在洛杉矶地区,他的设计被菲利普·约翰逊形容为“垃圾中的珠宝”,原因在于他的建筑设计具有现代主义和解构主义的双重特征。这是因为莫斯的建筑起步于现代主义,而后来走向了新现代主义和解构主义。而他被菲利普·约翰逊评价为“孙子辈的建筑师” (弗兰克·盖里是儿子辈的) 正体现了这一种传承关系——他在对建筑的形式和设计方法上走的更远。
在设计上莫斯喜欢使用工业材料,甚至刻意使用旧材料,比如旧铁链、断裂的金属构架等,并在建筑上突出它们,表现了工业化颓废、衰落的一面,具有很强烈的解构特征。比如1988-1993年的劳逊·威斯腾住宅,整个建筑采用钢筋混凝土预制构件拼合而成,表面是粗糙的水泥,没有经过处理,而结构是解构的拚合,建筑的顶部、窗口都具有倾斜的设计,使建筑显得粗犷,具有野性。1988-1990 年在洛杉矶的科佛市设计的一个企业总部大楼——加利集团大楼,是四个建筑组成的建筑群。在这个建筑设计上,他采用了各种廉价、可批量生产的工业建筑材料,整个建筑是钢筋混凝土预制件的,使用螺栓加固,外部全部装上金属的攀登架,另外还使用了混凝土砖加强工业感,立面形式支离破碎,具有典型的解构主义色彩。

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