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International Competition for Shenzhen International Energy Mansion

一、项目背景 Project background

深圳能源集团股份有限公司(以下称本公司)在深圳市国有企业综合实力排名中位居第一,连续6 年入选中国工业企业500 强。本公司的详细情况可参阅网站www.sec.com.cn。
Shenzhen International Energy Mansion (hereinafter this project) is intended for the purpose of office building of the headquarters of Shenzhen Energy Corporation (hereinafterthe Company), which has been ranked as the Top 500 of China Industrial Enterprises for successive 6 years. Please visit the www.sec.com.cn to get more information about the Company.

This competition aims at reaching and finishing the schematic design phase.

二、项目概况 General situation

This project is located on the east of the axis wire of the central area of Shenzhen and the south gate of the central area. The central area is the political, cultural and business centre of Shenzhen. This project is located on the key traffic access connecting Hongkong and Shenzhen, which has a linear distance of 1km, 1.6km and 450m respectively to Huanggang Port, Futian Port and Huizhan Zhongxin station of No. 1 Metro. Huizhan Zhongxin station of No. Metro Line is the transfer station between No. 1 Metro Line and No. 4 Metro Line, and is planed to connect with No. 2 Metro Line and State railway Futian station (underground)

本项目地块面积6427.70 平方米,呈北宽南窄的梯形,南北纵距152.3 米,东西横距最窄处为36.85米,总建筑面积为96420 平方米,其中商业面积6000 平方米、办公面积90420 平方米。用地南北各布置一栋塔楼,塔楼高度≤250 米,裙房高度≤24 米;建筑东侧和北侧应设置连续骑楼或挑檐,同时考虑与北侧项目(卓越皇岗世纪中心)二层步行系统的衔接。
The site is 6,427.70 m2, 152.3m from north to south while the narrowest wildth is 36.85 m from east to west. The total construction area is 96,420 m2,with business area 6,000 m2 and office area 90,420 m2. Two towers are set seperately on south and north of the site, with the hight lower than 250m and 24m for the skirt building. Surrounding buildings and pedistrian system should be well considered.

本项目工程造价(包括环境、土建、机电设备和外立面及内部公共空间装饰等)不超过10 亿元人民币。
The construction budget is less than 1 billion rmb(including construction, engineering&electronic equipments, facade and inner décor).

三、竞赛报名方式与要求 Sign –ups

This is an open international competition.
(1) 参征设计机构应具有超高层设计能力和实践经验的境外或在境内合法开展业务的独立设
The participants should be independent or united companies from domestic or overseas with similar successful design experience.
(2)参征设计机构报名时应填写报名表(见附表) 、机构简介,提供资质证明(或商业登记证明)、相关案例简介等材料,提交方式包括传真、邮政快件或电子邮件等方式(详见招标文件)。
Signing up organizations should provide signing up form (see appendix), brief introductions, registration license and related intros of successful cases via fax, express or email (for detailed information please see the Brief).
The jury will judge all submitted materials and we are going to invite 6 of all signing up organizations with rich experience in super hight tower design. Other signed up groups are also welcomed to take part in the competition, and they will be treated the same with invited groups in the jury.
The six design organizations formally invited, as long as their schemes meet with requirements, would get cost fees. The first three design organizations appraised by the expert accreditation council would be rewarded with corresponding bonuses

四、竞赛时间安排 Schedule

Beijing Times will be applied for the agenda.
(2)Deadline of signing up: 5:00 p.m. of May 26 , 2009. Participants are requried to submit the documetns for application to the organizer before deadline.(Address: Room 1211, Times Financial Center, No. 4001, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, S公布概念方案评审结果:2009年6月2日17:00时之前。主办方将向通过概念评审的设计机构以电邮或传真的方式发出参赛确认函。
Deadline to announce the appraisal result of concept scheme: 5:00 p.m. of June 2, 2009. The organizer will send Confirmation Letter of Consultation Participation to the design organizations passing the appraisal of concpet schemes via E-mail or fax.
(3)设计成果提交截止时间:2009年7月18日17:00 时。所有设计机构须在截止时间前将设计成果提交至主办方(地址:深圳市福田区深南中路4001号时代金融中心1211室,邮编:518034),以实际收到日期为准,逾期将被视为弃权,并不得参与本次竞赛活动的后续活动。
Deadline to submit design results: submit design results to designated address before 6:00 p.m. on July 18 2009(Address: Room 1211, Times Financial Center, No. 4001, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Postal Code:518034). The actual date receiving the final design schemes will prevail. Those overdue will be regarded as waiver and will be forbidden to participate into the subsequent appraisal activities
(4)专家评审会:初定于2009年7月26-27日。会议地点待定,会后将公布评审结果。 Expert appraisal (tentative): on July 26-27, 2009. The address has not been decided finally. The appraisal results will be announced after the appraisal meeting.

五、竞赛奖金及相关费用 Bonus and Related Expenses

Cost fees(minimum bid): The six design organizations formally invited, as long as their schemes meet with requirements, can get cost fees no less than 680,000 yuan. The design organizations who are not invited and voluntarily participate into this competition will get no cost fees
Bonus: The accreditation council will propose one first prize with bonus no less than 300, 000 Yuan, one second prize with bonus no less than 200, 000 Yuan and one third prize with bonus no less than 100,000 Yuan
The bonus and cost fees will be paid in one-time within thirty(30) days after the consultation results are confirmed
Taxes levied on the aforesaid bonus and cost fees will be born by design organizations. The travelling expense and design fee of the staff of design organiziations will be born by themselves
The winner will bear the project design and preliminary design (not including construction drawing design). Given the consideration of related design fee standards and that the workload of project design and preliminary design takes account for 50%, the design fee would stand at 13.76 million yuan.

六、主办方及联系方式 Contacts

Shenzhen Energy Corporation

Ehow R&D Center

主办单位:李中焱 86-755-82822922(office)
12F, Times Financial Center, No. 4001, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

组织单位:Michelle 86-13923777718(Mobile)
     姚  巧 86-13590315036(Mobile)

For more and updated materials, please go to http://www.szplan.gov.cn/main/ghdt/tzgg/200905120222825.shtml. Thanks!
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