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Announcement on the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section)

Buji River is the mother river of Shenzhen. It flows through the districts of Longgang and Luohu, and crosses over Luohu center. As the main corridor to solve the problems of urban flood control and large-scale traffic layout for many years, however, Buji River with its coastal areas has the following problems: (i) it has strong function of municipal flood control while it is weak as ecological corridor and insufficient in its water affinity; (ii) the accessibility is poor as some major regional transport facilities occupy the waterfront and the space is severely fragmented; (iii) the development of urban vitality is characterized by backwardness of river, which lacks of publicity; (iv) the city image is difficult to match international standards as holistic design is short in the riverside space.

As Shenzhen’s earliest urban area, Luohu District has witnessed the achievements of Shenzhen’s reform and opening up and firstly faced the problems of urban aging and declining environmental quality. As a result, it has first come to the new phase of transformational development. In exploiting the opportunity of the national development strategy of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Luohu will actively explore the potential of its stock space to lead the transformational development in the direction of building “an international consumer central city” and rebuild a new Luohu with the standard and quality of international city. Therefore, Buji River is an important starting point for Luohu District to increase land value, promote transformation and renovation, improve quality of city, and enhance international image.

The Outline of 13th Plan for National Economic and Social Development in Luohu District clearly puts forward the plan to enhance Luohu’s image as an international consumer center by: (i) transforming the water system of Buji River running through Golden Triangle Area; (ii) transforming waterway and upgrading landscape; (iii) building waterfront green belt and walking trail; (iv) comprehensively increasing the value of humanities, ecology and landscape of and on both sides of the river through three key projects: “Waterfront Recreation Corridor”, “Gold Waterfront Bar Street”, and “Cultural Estuary”; (v) building creative recreation corridor; (vi) creating a distinctive urban creation commercial zone.

In order to provide Luohu people with a high-quality urban public space with close contact with water, the People’s Government of Luohu District, Shenzhen and the Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality co-organize the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section). This competition seeks to collect forward-thinking, creative and practical solutions from all over the world to learn the experience in waterfront development from those built ones at home and abroad so as to create a cosmopolitan waterfront vitality zone that combines international quality and regional features, and begin to focus on the role of river in the urban development.

> 罗湖区政府官方网站(http://www.szlh.gov.cn/main/index.shtml#home)
> 深圳市规划和国土资源委员会官方网站(http://www.szpl.gov.cn)
> 深圳市罗湖区政府采购网(http://lh.szzfcg.cn/)
> 深圳市城市设计促进中心官方网站(http://www.szdesigncenter.org)
> ABBS建筑论坛(http://www.abbs.com.cn)
> 中国采购与招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com.cn)
> 深圳市振东招标代理有限公司(http://www.szzdzb.cn)
The urban planning qualifications of PRC are not required in this Open Competition. Design firms or consortiums home and abroad with planning and design experience in waterfront renewal are welcome to take part in this Open Competition.Design firms or consortiums who are interested in this Open Competition please apply for it with reference to the Working Rules of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section) (See Appendix 1 for details) and fill out the Application Form of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section) (See Appendix 2 for details), by 17:00, Mar. 20, 2018 (Beijing Time). For more information, please visit the following websites:
> Luohu District Government (http://www.szlh.gov.cn/main/index.shtml#home)
> Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (http://www.szpl.gov.cn)
> Luohu District Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen (http://lh.szzfcg.cn/)
> Shenzhen Urban Design Center (http://www.szdesigncenter.org)
> ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn)
> China Bidding (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn)
> Shenzhen Zhendong Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.(http://www.szzdzb.cn)

We sincerely look forward to your participation and support!

Appendix 1:Working Rules of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section)
Appendix 2: Application Form of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section)
Appendix 3: Design Brief of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section)(AnnouncedVersion)
Appendix 4: Consortium Agreement of the Open Competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section)

报名咨询:李工 0086 755 25023632
赖工 0086 135 3067 0439
Registration Enquiry:Mr. Li 0086 755 25023632
Ms. Lai 0086 135 3067 0439

The People’s Government of Luohu District, Shenzhen
Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
Feb. 9, 2018
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