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Solicitation Announcement of PROPOSALS for Conceptual Creative Scheme of Chengdu Biological Town Future School (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School)

CHENGDU BIO-TOWN CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD., as the Solicitor (hereinafter referred to as the "Solicitor"), collaborates with ZHONGTONG CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Consulting Service Agency") to conduct a public solicitation for the conceptual creative scheme for the Future School of Chengdu Biological Townn (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School). We publicly invite design institutions with related design experience to participate in the solicitation.

一、征集背景/The Background of Solicitation
To comprehensively implement the spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress regarding prioritizing the development of education and to fulfill Municipal Party Committee and Government’s decisions on "doing well, doing stronger, and doing superior" in the education sector, Chengdu No. 7 High School is entrusted to establish a 12-year continuous public school in Chengdu Biological Townn, covering primary to high school. The provisional name is "Chengdu Biological Town Future School (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School)" (hereinafter referred to as ’Biological Town Future School’). Biological Town Future School plays a positive and demonstrative role in promoting the integration of production and city in Biological Town, as well as attracting talent. In order to find forward-looking and creative architectural concepts to create an educational environment that fully adapts to future education, the Solicitor will adhere to the principles of "openness, fairness, and impartiality" in the public solicitation of proposals for the conceptual creative scheme of the Chengdu Biological Town Future School (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School) project.

二、征集程序/The procedures of Solicitation
1、征集文件获取/ Obtaining of Solicitation Documents
Responding entities are required to obtain the solicitation documents within the specified timeframe according to the requirements outlined in the solicitation announcement.
2、应征文件递交及评审/ Submission and Review of Solicitation Documents
The solicitor will establish a scheme review committee to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the solicitation documents. The review committee will recommend the top 1-3 rankings in order of total scores from highest to lowest among the respondents.
3、中选方案的确定/Final Winner
The final winner is autonomously decided by the solicitor from the recommended proposals.
4、方案优化/Scheme Optimization
The final winner of the conceptual scheme will optimize, refine, and make necessary modifications to the scheme. They are required to report on the scheme and, as per the specifications, reproduce and print the scheme text, with no additional charges.

三、征集内容/Scope of Solicitation
1、项目名称/Project Name
Solicitation of Proposals for Conceptual Creative Scheme of Chengdu Biological Town Future School (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School)
2、项目地点/Project Location
The proposed location for the Chengdu Biological Town Future School (Sponsored by Chengdu No. 7 High School) project is on the east side of Jiannan Avenue, south of Biological Town Middle Road. It is bordered by Yong’an Lake Forest Park to the west and urban park green space to the east.

项目地点示意图/Project Site Map

3、项目规模/ Project Scale
The planned and constructed net land area is approximately 300 acres. This project is designed as a 12-year system public school from primary to high school, with a total of 108 classes (36 classes for each level - primary, junior high, and senior high). The building density, plot ratio, and land area for primary, junior high, and high school should be reasonably determined based on the feasibility of the scheme. The design proposal should take into account the phased implementation conditions for primary, junior high, and high school, with high school being the first phase and primary and junior high being the second phase.
4、征集内容及目标/ Solicitation Content and Objectives
In accordance with the design requirements, determine the design theme, spatial system, functional zones, architectural style, etc. Develop site layout, vertical organizational system, traffic organization, sightline analysis, and preliminary economic estimates. Establish design principles and approaches, present the floor plans and elevations design of the main buildings, provide visual representations, and submit the solicitation proposal on schedule.

四、征集计划/ Solicitation Schedule

Date and Time (Beijing Time)


March 1, 2024

Release of Solicitation Announcement

March 4, 2024, to March 8, 2024, 17:00

Obtainment of Scheme Solicitation Documents

March 11, 2024, to March 14, 2024 (tentative)

Written Inquiries and Q&;A Session

April 18, 2024

Submission of PROPOSAL Conceptual Scheme Presentation, and Expert Review Meeting

Solicitor: Chengdu Bio-Town Construction Co., Ltd.
Address: 3rd Floor, Building C5, No. 8 Huigu East 1st Road, Shuangliu District, Chengdu
Contact: Mr. Zhai
Telephone: 028-62156073

Consulting Service Agency: Zhongtong Construction Engineering Management Co., Ltd.
Address: Unit 2704, Building 1, Phase 2, Shudu Center, 333 Jiqing Third Road, Chengdu High-tech Zone
Contact: Mr. Cheng
Telephone: 028-85172603

六、 应征人的资格要求/ Qualification Requirements for Participants
Participants must possess the following qualifications and achievements, and have corresponding design capabilities in terms of personnel, equipment, and funding.
1.1 Participants must be a legally registered legal entity, or a consortium composed of legally registered legal entities.
1.2 If the Participant is a domestic institution, it must have Class A (or above) qualification in architectural engineering design approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, or Class A qualification in architectural affairs.
1.3 If the Participant is a foreign institution, it must be legally registered in its country or region, with corresponding architectural design or architectural design consulting business scope and capabilities.
1.4 Institutions from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan must comply with the requirements of Article 1.3.
1.5 Foreign institutions with registered subsidiaries in China participating in the solicitation under the name of the subsidiary must comply with the requirements of Article 1.3 and provide proof of their relationship with the foreign institution.
1.6 应征人2020年以来(含2020年)至少承担过1个类似项目业绩【类似项目业绩是指建筑面积10万平方米及以上的类似项目方案设计业绩;业绩证明材料为中标(选)通知书或设计合同等业绩证明材料】。
1.6 Participants must have undertaken at least one similar project performance since 2020 (including 2020)【Similar project performance refers to the design performance of similar projects with a building area of 100,000 square meters or more; performance proof materials include winning notices or design contracts】
1.7 项目主创设计师2020年以来(含2020年)以主创设计师身份承担过至少1个类似项目业绩【类似项目业绩是指总建筑面积10万平方米及以上的类似项目方案设计业绩;业绩证明材料为中标(选)通知书或设计合同等,能反映其为主创设计师的材料】。
1.7 The lead designer of the project must have undertaken at least one similar project performance since 2020 (including 2020) as the lead designer【Similar project performance refers to the design performance of similar projects with a total building area of 100,000 square meters or more; performance proof materials include winning notices or design contracts that reflect their role as the lead designer】.
2、本次方案征集接受联合体应征。/Joint submissions are accepted for this solicitation.
In the case of a consortium submission, the following requirements must be met: the number of members in the consortium must not exceed 2. The parties to the consortium must sign a consortium submission agreement, clarifying the lead party and the rights and obligations of each party. Consortium members are not allowed to participate in this solicitation again in any form.

七、 《征集文件》的获取/Obtaining of SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS
Method of Obtaining Solicitation Documents: Through online application or on-site application.
1.1网络申请:/Online Application:
(1) 申请指定邮箱:sczhongtong@163.com
Designated Email for Application: sczhongtong@163.com
(2) 申请材料递交时间:2024年3月4日至2024年3月8日17时00分(北京时间,下同)以申请指定邮箱收到申请邮件的时间为准,逾期不予受理。
Submission period for application materials: From March 4, 2024, to March 8, 2024, until 17:00 (Beijing time, the same below). The time when the designated email receives the application email shall prevail, and late submissions will not be accepted.
1.2现场申请:/On-Site Application:
凡有意参加方案应征的单位,请于2024年3月4日至2024年3月8日(法定公休日、法定节假日除外),每日上午9:00时至12:00时,下午14:00 时至17:00时(北京时间,下同),在成都市高新区吉庆三路333号蜀都中心二期1栋4单元2704号领取征集文件。
Units interested in participating in the scheme solicitation are invited to apply on-site from March 4, 2024, to March 8, 2024 (excluding legal holidays and public holidays). Each day during the specified period, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Beijing time), you can collect the solicitation documents at Unit 2704, Building 1, Phase 2, Shudu Center, 333 Jiqing Third Road, Chengdu High-tech Zone.
2、 获取征集文件需提供以下资料:
To obtain the solicitation documents, the following information is required:
(一)网络申请/ Online Application
Provide the APPLICATION FORM FOR PARTICIPATING COMPANIES (see Appendix 1, to be filled out as required), a confidentiality commitment letter (see Appendix 2), and the required relevant attachments, and affix the seal as required. If bidding as a consortium, a Consortium Agreement is also required (see Appendix 3). Scan all documents and send them to the designated email address.
For any content in a foreign language, provide scanned copies of the Chinese translations.
(二)现场申请/On-site Application
Provide the APPLICATION FORM FOR PARTICIPATING COMPANIES (see Appendix 1, to be filled out as required), a confidentiality commitment letter (see Appendix 2), and relevant attachments as required, stamped and sealed as instructed. If participating in the bidding as a consortium, a consortium agreement is required(see appendix 3).Also, provide one set of scanned copies of the aforementioned materials.
For any content in a foreign language, provide Chinese translations.

八、 应征文件的递交时间和地点/ Submission Time and Location for Proposal Documents:
递交应征文件截止时间2024年4月18日10:00 时(北京时间)。递交地点为成都市双流区慧谷西一路8号成都天府国际生物城会议中心2楼。
The deadline for submitting PROPOSAL is 10:00 AM on April 18, 2024 (Beijing time). The submission location is the 2nd floor of Chengdu Tianfu International Biotech Town Conference Center, No. 8 Huigu West 1st Road, Shuangliu District, Chengdu.

九、 公告发布的媒体/Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation
The solicitation announcement will be published on the CHINA TENDERING AND BIDDING PUBLIC SERVICE PLATFORM (www.cebpubservice.com), CHINA PROCUREMENT AND BIDDING NETWORK (www.chinabidding.com.cn), and ABBS Architecture Forum (www.abbs.com.cn).

十、 概念方案征集费和优化设计/ Solicitation Fee and Further Optimization Design
1、征集阶段排名第一名的应征人奖金为人民币180万元(含税),征集阶段排名第二名的应征人补偿费为人民币70万元(含税),征集阶段排名第三名的应征人补偿费为人民币30万元(含税),第四名及之后的排名无补偿费。设计奖金或补偿费以人民币支付(以付款当日的汇率为准)。若评审小组认为创意方案成果深度未达到征集文件中“第四章 设计任务书”规定的,则不予补偿。
During the solicitation stage, the first-ranked Participant will receive a prize of RMB 1.8 million (tax included), the second-ranked Participant will receive compensation of RMB 700,000 (tax included), and the third-ranked Participant will receive compensation of RMB 300,000 (tax included). There will be no compensation for the fourth place and beyond. The design prize or compensation will be paid in Chinese Yuan (CNY) based on the exchange rate on the payment day. If the review panel deems that the depth of the creative scheme does not meet the requirements outlined in the "Chapter 4: Design Brief" of the solicitation documents, no compensation will be provided.
2、方案被最终选用的应征人应根据征集人要求对概念方案进行优化设计,过程中向征集人汇报成果,汇报次数不少于 两 次,同时配合方案深化设计单位进行报规方案设计,此部分服务不再另行收取费用。
The final winner is required to optimize the conceptual scheme according to the Solicitor’s requirements. During this process, they must report the results to the solicitor at least twice and collaborate with the detailed design institutes for further scheme design. No additional fees will be charged for this service.
3、 以上概念方案补偿费和深化设计咨询费均已含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费。
The compensation fee for the conceptual scheme and the consulting fee for detailed design mentioned above already include all taxes and fees payable both domestically and abroad in China.

十一、 其它条款/Other Terms
1、 知识产权/ Intellectual Property Rights
Once the Proposal documents are submitted, all intellectual property rights for the submitted deliverables, excluding the right to attribution, belong to the Solicitor. The Participant acknowledges that the submitted scheme will only be used as proof of achievement, shall not be used for other projects or any profit-oriented business activities, and agrees to the provisions outlined in the Solicitation documents.
The Solicitor has the right to display all scheme outcomes publicly and may, independently or by commissioning relevant entities or designers, use all or part of the content of the conceptual scheme for reproduction, exhibition, printing, publishing, or other forms of dissemination.
All materials (including text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by the solicitor in this conceptual scheme solicitation activity are protected by copyright. The Solicitor or other explicitly recognized organizations are the copyright holders of these materials. Unauthorized copying, adaptation, distribution, publication, or any other use of these copyrighted contents will be subject to legal liability.
2、适用法律/Governing Laws
The laws and regulations applicable to this solicitation activity and documents related to this activity are only those of the People’s Republic of China.
The SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS are written in both Chinese and English. In case of any inconsistency between the expressions in Chinese and English, the Chinese version shall prevail. The PROPOSAL, as well as correspondence and documents exchanged between the solicitor and the consulting service agency, can be written in Chinese only. The PROPOSAL provided by the Participant, along with supporting documents and printed materials accompanying the PROPOSAL, may be in another language but must be accompanied by a Chinese translation.
4、解释权/ Right of Interpretation
The final interpretation of this solicitation activity and related documents belongs to the solicitor.

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