Notice of the Competition for the Conceptual Design of Danaoke Mountain
一、项目说明 Project Overview
1.1项目名称 Project Name:大脑壳山公园概念方案设计国际竞赛/Competition for the Conceptual Design of Danaoke Mountain
1.2主办单位 Clients:
Government of Longhua District
Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
承办单位 Organizers:
Longhua Office of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of
Shenzhen Municipality
Bureau of Longhua Urban Management
1.3 项目背景 Project Background
Danaoke Mountain, the highest peak of Meilin Mountain, is located in the north division of Meilin Mountain Country Park and between Futian central area and Longhua North Station Business Center. It is the core landscape node of the north central axis of Shenzhen.
Historically, Tanglang Mountain - Meilin Mountain -Yinhu Mountain was the original natural barrier for the special administrative region. As part of it, Danaoke Mountain was located at the urban fringe and was equipped with a large number of inactive facilities and function at the foot of it. After the integration of the special administrative region, Tanglang Mountain - Meilin Mountain -Yinhu Mountain jointly composed the central green core of Shenzhen, while Danaoke Mountain, being transformed from the urban marginal mountain into the core ecological resources, became the South Gate of Longhua District connecting Futian and Longhua, and became the green pearl on the urban central axis of Shenzhen.
按照市政府打造高品质郊野(观光)公园的精神, 深圳市规划和国土资源委员会龙华管理局组织开展大脑壳山公园概念方案设计国际竞赛工作,邀请国内外优秀设计师参与大脑壳山公园重要景观要素和景观节点的概念性方案设计,希望通过征集最具创意与国际视野的设计方案,以高标准高起点打造深圳市城市中轴线上靓丽的城市新名片。
In order to build a high quality country (sightseeing) park in accordance with the spirit of Shenzhen government,Longhua Office of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality organizes this international competition for conceptual design of Danaoke Mountain to invite the outstanding and experienced architects from domestic and overseas to propose the design schemes with international vision, innovativeness and feasibility, to create a beautiful new business card of Shenzhen with high standards.
1.4 竞赛内容 Competition Contents
Master plan of Danaoke Mountain;
Design of the major facilities, includes mountaineering path (adventure path, mountaineering stairs, gentle slope mountaineering path and leisure path), sightseeing stand and ecological corridor;
Conceptual design of Waterfront Ecological Park and Culture and Sports Park;
4) 小型景观配套设施(休息亭、厕所、座椅、灯具、垃圾桶等)和公园标识系统的设计。
Design of small landscape facilities and park identification system.
以上竞赛项目的具体设计范围和设计要求详见 第二部分 设计任务书。
Please check PART 2 Design Brief for the detailed requirements of the design contents mentioned above.
1.5 设计深度 Design Depth
The design depth of the competition is conceptual design. And the 1st prize winner will be responsible for the integration of all the deliverables and scheme develop of the conceptual design. Since the detailed design of the culture and sports park should include the link with Minle car park and the condition of the car park is uncertain, thus the scheme develop scope excludes the culture and sports park. The conceptual design of other competition contents should be developed in principle. The integration and scheme develop results will be forwarded to the Urban Management Bureau of Longhua District and they will be responsible for the follow-ups.
二、竞赛规则 Competition Rules
The competition will be undertaken by 2 stages: Stage 1 Application &Prequalification, Stage 2 Scheme Design& Review.
2.1 第一阶段-报名及资格预审 Stage 1 Application &Prequalification
2.1.1 竞赛方式及报名条件 Application
The competition will be open to the public and those independent registered companies who have relevant design experiences can register for it. Joint design participation is allowed. No individual application or individual combination is accepted.
Applicants that have similar design experience will be given certain priority.
Designers participating in this competition must be registered personnel of the firm. The chief designer must be those who have presided over several similar projects, and must be involved in the entire design. In order to make sure that the project designers have a correct understanding of the background of China and relevant requirements, it should also involve at least 1 teammate with proficient Chinese language skills.
The applicants should submit the prequalification documents in accordance with the competition file.
2.1.2 资格预审原则/细则 Prequalification Review Principles/Rules
The organizer will set up the prequalification review jury accordingly and the jury will review on the applicants’ company qualifications, achievements, design team, work program and etc. And they will select 5 namelisted competitors for Stage 2 and 2 alternatives in order who will enter the competition by order if any of the 5 competitors quit.主办方依法组建资格预审委员会,成员由5名熟悉行业设计水平的行业代表组成评审委员会,专业背景分建筑设计及景观。
The organizers will set up the prequalification jury accordingly. It will be made up by 5 well-known experts, major in architecture or landscape design. 资格预审委员会由评审主席主持评审工作,评审主席通过推举产生,在评审中与其他成员有同等表决权;具体评审细则由资格预审委员会确定。
The chairman of the jury will chair the review and share the same right as the other jurors. Detailed review rules will be decided by the jurors. 资格预审原则 Prequalification Review Principles
The prequalification will be reviewed by the following principles:
评审内容 Review Terms | 评审原则 Review Principles | 业绩 Achievements | 具有以下类似经验的将优先考虑: The company that has the similar achievementsbelow will be given certain priority: - 郊野公园设计;
Design of country park; - 大型天桥设计;
Design of large footbridge; - 小型构筑物设计;
Design of small structure; - 滨水生态公园设计;
Design of waterfront park; - 文化体育公园设计
Design of culture and sports park | 主创设计师 业绩和经验 Achievements and experience of thechief designer | 主创设计师主持过以下类似项目的将优先考虑: The chief designer that has thesimilar achievements below will be given certain priority: - 郊野公园设计;
Design of country park; - 大型天桥设计;
Design of large footbridge; - 小型构筑物设计;
Design of small structure; - 滨水生态公园设计;
Design of waterfront park; - 文化体育公园设计
Design of culture and sports park | 设计团队构成 Design team | 设计团队构成将综合考虑以下因素: The design team will take thefollowing factors into account: 1、设计团队是否有结构团队可以支持后续方案的深化(针对生态廊桥、缓坡登山径); Whether has structure team membersto support the scheme develop of the landscape bridges and hiking trails; 2、团队分工是否明确、合理; Whether the team division is clearand reasonable; 3、联合体组成是否优势互补; whether the composition of thejoint design group complements each other |资格预审办法 Prequalification Review Method
Use open votes to select 5 competitors to enter STAGE 2 as well as 2 alternatives who will enter the competition by order if any of the 5 competitors quit.
2.1.3 5家入围参赛单位应按时提交《参赛确认函》。已报名未入围的且符合报名要求的设计单位, 如愿自愿参赛(无设计补偿费),可在预审公告发布后3日内向业主提交正式的《参赛确认函》,以确认参赛。 自愿参赛的设计单位取得主办方确认后仍可参加下一阶段竞赛,并在评审过程中采用一致的评审方式。
The 5 competitors will submit the Participation Confirmation Letter on time. Other qualified applicants could still participate in the competition by submitting the Participation Confirmation Letter 3 days after the notice of the prequalification result and they will be treated the same in the scheme review.
2.1.4 若递交《参赛确认函》的参赛单位因非不可抗力因素中途退出或最终放弃参赛,主办方有权在今后拒绝该参赛单位参加主办方其他任何建设项目的参赛。
After submitting the Participation Confirmation Letter, if any competitor has withdrawn eventually due to non-force majeure, the organizers have the right to refuse their participation in any other project.
2.2 第二阶段-设计竞赛阶段 Stage 2 Scheme Design& Review
All the competitors should submit the deliverables according to the design brief. And the scheme review jury will select the top 2 winners and provide advice for optimization. Then the organizer decides the ranking order of these 2 winners in accordance with the jury’s opinion.
2.2.1 方案评审原则/细则 Scheme Review Principles/Rules主办方依法组建方案评审委员会,成员由7名境内外知名设计大师(专业为建筑设计、景观等)组成。方案评审委员会由评审主席主持评审工作。在评审中与其他成员有同等表决权;具体评审细则由方案评审委员会确定。
The organizer will set up the scheme review jury accordingly. It will be made up by 7 well-known experts home and abroad, major in architecture or landscape design. And the chairman of the jury will chair the review and share the same right as the other jurors. Detailed review rules will be decided by the jurors.本轮竞赛采用明标的方式进行评审,即参赛单位进行现场汇报(须由参赛单位的主创设计师汇报方案并回答评委的疑问,具体汇报细节要求届时将统一通知)。评审过程中发现的问题和产生的纠纷,由评委会讨论并由评委会主席裁决。
All the competitors will give a presentation on their schemes and answer questions of the jurors. Any problems and disputes arising during the review will be discussed by the jury and verdict by the chairman.方案评审办法:方案评审专家委员会采用逐轮淘汰的记名投票法,专家充分讨论,投票选出不排序的前二名,并提出评审意见,推荐给主办方。主办方在充分尊重专家评审意见的基础上,研究确定前二名优胜单位的排名。。
Scheme review method: Scheme review jurors will fully discuss all the deliverables and select the top 2 winners through open vote and provide advice for optimization. Then the organizer decides the ranking order of these 2 winners in accordance with the jury’s opinion.
2.2.2 评审结果 Review Result
The 1st prize winner will complete the integration work of gathering all the good points of each deliverable and scheme develop work through more than 2 workshop meetings. And the final design scheme should be approved by all related parties. The 2nd prize winner should coordinate with the 1st prize winner to complete the integration and scheme develop work and the chief designer should participate in at least 2 workshop meetings held by the 1st prize winner.
2.2.3 设计成果要求 Deliverables设计成果必须符合中华人民共和国、广东省及深圳市有关城市规划与城市设计规章和规范性文件的规定要求,满足竞赛文件的要求,内容表达必须做到完整、清晰、准确。
The deliverable must meet the requirements of the urban planning and urban design regulations and regulatory documents of the People’s Republic of China, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City as well as the competition file. The content must be complete, clear and accurate.设计成果必须经参赛单位或设计联合体签章方为有效。参赛单位应在一份完整的设计成果正本文件的封底背后右下角标明设计机构名称,由设计机构盖章,并单独封装。
The deliverable should be officially signed and stamped on the bottom right corner on the back of the booklet. 每家参赛单位只允许提交一份设计成果。
Each competitor can submit one scheme only.所有设计成果(详见“设计任务书”的设计成果要求)必须按时一次交齐,并由承办单位出具回执。
The required deliverable should be submitted in one time and the organizer will issue a receipt.所有设计成果须在规定截止时间前送至或邮至主办单位指定地点(具体地点将另行通知)。
The deliverables should be due on time and the specific place will be noted ahead.
三、资格预审文件的组成 Prequalification Requirements
3.1资格预审文件的组成 Prequalification Document:
Application Form
Company profile
Business license (Duplicate; affixed with company seal);
Qualification certifications or professional awards (Duplicate; affixed with company seal);
Information on similar projects (no more than 5) of the company and the chief designer shall include:
a) 优胜奖通知书或设计合同盖章签字页复印件;
Photocopy of the Bid Winning Notification Letter or the stamped page of the design contract
b) 设计作品的相关照片或效果图;
As-built photos of the completed projects and renderings of the projects under construction
c) 设计作品的委托方的有效办公电话及联系人等相关证明材料。
Valid contact of the project clients
Provide a profile of the design team and chief designer for the project. Provide necessary qualification documents of each team member
Work program: provide a team member list, team cooperation model and design period and other work arrangements if winning the competition ;
Certification of legal representative, and power of attorney from legal representative(Original; affixed with company seal), and ID card of the authorized person (Duplicate; affixed with company seal);
Joint design group should submit the Joint Design Agreement jointly signed by all the members, and specify the leading party (Original; affixed with company seal);
Other information that is deemed helpful by the design firms.
For the joint design group, members should submit the above information separately. All the information should be signed and stamped.
3.2 资格预审文件的编制 Edition of Prequalification Documents
1) 以上的内容装订成册,并列目录。文本A4尺寸,一式5套,加盖公章;
All the contents mentioned above should be bound with a catalog, A4 size, 5 copies with official stamp on.
All the contents mentioned should burned into a memory stick and submitted with the booklets, and sent to competition@ehow.net.cn.
The deliverable should follow the principle of environmental protection and avoid excessive packaging, no more than 50 pages.
参赛单位须将上述要求的资料于2017年6月30日15:00点前送往深圳市龙华新区清湖路市规划国土委龙华管理局壹点楼,收件人:温丽萍 联系电话:13760133656。主办单位在提交截止时间以后收到的资格预审文件,将被拒绝并退回给申请人。
The applicants should submit the above material to : Longhua Office of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality,contact person:Daisy, Tel: 13760133656
The overdue deliverables will be returned.
四、竞赛日程安排(暂定)Competition Agenda
时间Time | 事项 Terms | 第一阶段 报名及资格预审阶段 STAGE 1Application &;Prequalification | 2017.06.16 | 发布正式公告及接受报名 Notice of the competition and application | 2017.06.30(before15:00) | 资格预审资料提交截止 Deadline ofapplication | 2017.07.10 | 资格预审会 Prequalificationmeeting | 2017.07.11 | 公布资格预审结果 Notice ofthe prequalification result | 第二阶段 设计竞赛阶段 STAGE 2Scheme Design &;Review | 2017.07.26-07.27 | 踏勘答疑会,参赛单位递交《参赛确认函》 Site visit,Q&;A meeting | 2017.07.28-09.01 | 书面答疑(以邮件形式) Q&;A through email | 2017.09.14(before 15:00) | 参赛单位递交成果文件(提交地址届时通知) Deadline for deliverables | 2017.09.15 | 方案评审会 Schemereview | 2017.09.25 | 公布竞赛结果 Notice of the result |
☆ 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。
All the time mentioned is Beijing time. The organizer preserves the right to adjust the schedule.
五、奖金及有关费用 Bonus & Compensation
序号NO. | 分项 Terms | 金额 Amount | 备注 Notes | 1 | 奖金Bonus | 第一名 1st prize | 300万 RMB3,000,000 | 费用包含竞赛的成果整合及概念方案深化,组织2次工作坊费用。 The fee covers the integration workof all the deliverables and scheme develop and 2 workshop meetings. | 第二名 2nd prize | 100万 RMB1,000,000 | 费用包含参加至少2次竞赛成果整合及概念方案深化的工作坊 。 The fee covers the coordinationwith the 1st prize winner to complete the integration work and scheme developthrough at least 2 workshop meetings. | 2 | 设计补偿费 Compensation | 50万/家x5家入围单位=250万 Each of the 5 namelistedcompetitors get RMB500,000 | 除5家入围的参赛单位以外,自愿参赛的单位没有设计补偿费,自愿参赛的单位如进入前二名可获得相应奖金。 Those voluntary participants won’t get any compensation and theywill get certain bonus if they enter top 2. |
5.1 奖金 Bonus
The top 2 competitors will get certain bonus:
The 1st prize winner will get RMB3,000,000 as bonus. The 1st prize winner will complete the integration work of gathering all the good points of each deliverable and scheme develop work through more than 2 workshop meetings. And the final design scheme should be approved by all related parties.
The 2nd prize winner will get RMB1,000,000 as bonus. The 2nd prize winner should coordinate with the 1st prize winner to complete the integration and scheme develop work and the chief designer should participate in at least 2 workshop meetings held by the 1st prize winner.
5.2 设计补偿费 Compensation
After submitting the qualified deliverables, the 5 competitors each will get RMB500,000. Those voluntary participants won’t get any compensation and they will get certain bonus if they enter top 2.
5.3 奖金及有关费用的支付 Payment
Bonus and compensation start to be paid by RMB after the notice of the winner. The fee include taxes and the competitors should provide China’s duty-paid invoice.
国外设计机构若无法使用本机构帐户收取人民币的,须与主办方签订三方支付协议并授权国内合法独立法人代收款项, 因此产生的税费由设计单位自行负责。
Foreign firms can authorize a local independent legal entity to receive the payments on their behalf if they cannot receive RMB on their corporate account. Therefore, the correlative tax shall be responsible by the foreign firms themselves.
5.4 其他 Others
All related expenses such as the travelling expense will be covered by the participants themselves.
If the jury considers that the deliverables submitted don’t meet the depth and requirements of the competition file, the clients or organizers won’t pay any compensation fee.
六、 资料索取 Inquiry of Information:
竞赛信息查询网址 Please visit the following website for more information on the competition: www.szlhxq.gov.cn
竞赛资料请登录以下网站下载 Please download detailed the competition file from this website:www.szdesigncenter.org
七、 联系方式 Contacts
联 系 人/Contact:温丽萍 Daisy
邮箱/Email:competition@ehow.net.cn |