人物专访 Interview
RTKL中国发展之路——访RTKL全球总裁兼CEO Lance K. Josal
现象 Phenomena
保罗 ·安德鲁 “探索”个人艺术展[浏览全文]
Paul Andreu “Explorations” Solo Exhibition
聚 Focus
数字水展馆 MIT SENSEable City Lab
Digital Water Pavilion
——为prajnopaya基金会而设计 MIT SENSEable City Lab
Tsunami-safe(r) House: A Design for the Prajnopaya Foundation
名师档案 Architects
FOA 事务所作品
瓦伦西亚市警察厅[浏览全文] Foreign Office Architects
Municipal Police Headquarters Valencia Spain
约翰里维斯百货商场与电影城[浏览全文] Foreign Office Architects
John Lewis Department Store and Cineplex
雷文斯本学院新办公楼[浏览全文] Foreign Office Architects
迈丹商业综合体[浏览全文] Foreign Office Architects
Meydan Retail Complex & Multiplex
主题——绿·设计 Topic
解读绿色建筑、节能建筑和低碳建筑——西方建筑可持续发展启示 刘昕晔
A General Understanding of Green Building,Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Building:
Reviewing the Development of the Western World's Sustainable Built Environment
基于BIM的可持续设计在黑瞎子岛植物园项目中的创新实践 苏昶 王万平 苏骏
The Innovative Practice of BIM-based Sustainable Design in Hei Xia-zi Botanical Garden
中新天津生态城中心CBD风环境数值分析 宋明洁 刘刚
Numerical Simulation of Wind Environment of the CBD in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city
生态节能建筑与材料结合的三个层面 叶曼
The Three Levels of the Integration between Sustainable Buildings and Materials
可持续建筑 Phil Jones
Sustainable Buildings
把握可持续发展主流——从政策到实践 Chris Twinn
Making Sustainability Mainstream: From Policy through to Practice
身边的“绿色”——绿筑既有申都楼 范一飞
Greenery for All: Restoration of Shendu Building
阿布扎比沙瓦哈广场,阿拉伯联合酋长国 Goettsch Partners
Sowwah Square, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
索尼大崎大厦生物外皮——为城市降温的高保水瓷砖的外部系统 Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Bio Skin of Sony's Osaki New Building Project: Development of an Exterior System that
Uses High Water-retentive Ceramics for Purposes of Urban Cooling
一个具有高度连通性以及高性能的地标建筑——城东志 Arquitectonica
A Landmark of Connectivity and High Performance: Landmark East
宝嘉母电讯集团总部 Arquitectonica
Bouygues TelCom Tower
深圳的三座“绿”建筑 沈驰
Three Green Buildings in Shenzhen
利物浦博物馆 3XN
Museum of Liverpool
加州科学院 Renzo Piano Building Workshop
California Academy of Sciences Stantec Architecture (San Francisco)
马斯达尔总部[浏览全文] Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill 建筑设计事务所
Masdar Headquarters
零碳建筑技术指南 陈硕
Technical Guide of Zero Carbon Building
绿色建筑设计——内涵碳优化的新方法 Donald Davies
Climate-conscious Building Design : New Approaches to Embodied-carbon Optimization
澳大利亚零碳展示房 Greg Foliente, Michael Ambrose
Australian Zero Emission Demonstration House Dong Chen, Zhengen Ren
高密度CBD建设中的低碳城市策略 陆钟骁
The Strategy of Low-carbon City in CB
贝丁顿零碳社区 ZEDfactory
2010上海世博会伦敦案例零碳馆 ZEDfactory
ZED Pavilion at Shanghai EXPO 2010
Vantone社区 ZEDfactory
Vantone Community
香水森林——香港 Vincent Callebaut Architectures
The Perfumed Jungle Hong Kong
巴黎净烟大楼 Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Anti – smog
新陈代谢城市农场——蜻蜓 Vincent Callebaut Architectures
Dragonfly, a Metabolic Farm for Urban Agriculture
“太阳能十项全能”竞赛 (SD) 简述 李苑 宋晔皓
Brief Introduction of Solar Decathlon(SD)
SD 2009 作品选登
Team Germany (Technische Universit?t Darmstadt)
Team California (Santa Clara University, California College of the Arts)
Team North
Rice University
Cornell University
SD Europe 作品选登
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tongji University 余中奇 叶曼
中国北方太阳能宜居住宅设计探索——2011台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛获奖作品《光波》解析 王帅
Low-carbon Housing Design in Hohhot: The Prize-winning Works of 2011 Delta-cup
International Solar Building Design Competition: Light& Wave
特别报道 Special Reports
层层深入的宝盒——广东省博物馆 许李严建筑师事务有限公司
Treasure Box: Guangdong Museum
汇基书院(东九龙)学生宿舍及综合大楼 吕元祥建筑师事务所
Dormitory and Facility Extension of United Christian College (Kowloon East)
向离世者最后致敬仪式的重新演绎——钻石山火葬场重置工程 香港特别行政区政府建筑署[浏览全文]
The Re-interpretation of the Ritual of Paying Final Respect to the Deceased:
Reprovisioning of Diamond Hill Crematorium
“瑶学行”——红邓小学新校舍援建计划[浏览全文] 香港中文大学建筑学院
A School to Learn: New Premises for Hongdeng Primary School
毛寺生态实验小学 香港中文大学建筑学院
Maosi Ecological Demonstration Primary School
Amanzi 别墅 Original Vision Ltd
Villa Amanzi
顾问研究:对应香港可持续都市生活空间之建筑设计[浏览全文] 吕元祥建筑师事务所
Consultancy Study on Building Design
that Supports Sustainable Urban Living Space in Hong Kong
方案篇 Design
绿色停保,和谐公交——杭州阮家桥公交停保基地方案设计 刘阳 张磊
Green and Harmony: Hangzhou Ruanjiaqiao Public Transportation Parking Lot Design
北京轨道交通昌平线工程站房设计 赵国 陆毓晗 郑世伟
Design of Beijing Rail Transit Changping Line Stations
——山东大学西校区学生食堂、学术报告厅设计 刘文斌 于童 王彦堃
Harmony in Diversities:
Refectory and Academic Theatre Design of Shandong University West Campus
生长的力量——沙洲 李靖 贾子夫 宋一旺
Growth Power of Flood Sand
建筑研究 Architecture Research
超高层住宅设计有感——丽原·天际项目设计回顾 李昕
Impressions of Super High-rise Residential Design: Liyuan Tianji Project Review
不锈钢——高耐用性、防火性和安全性解决方案 G. Waller, D.J. Cochrane
Stainless Steel for Durability, Fire-resistance and Safety
书架 Bookshelf
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